Professional Institution: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Energy Institute Further Information about your Principal Area of Expertise: I am a Chartered Environmentalist and Chartered Engineer with 18 years experience as a consulting engineer, with an interest is sustainable design Industry Sector: Construction & Building Services Ashley Bateson
Quiz the Scientist
On your own: Decide 10 questions to ask Ashley Use the videos as inspiration! 10 mins
Quiz the Scientist In pairs: Decide on your top 10 questions Try to include a range of different questions 5 mins
Quiz the Scientist In pairs: Choose your top question that you would like Ashley to answer your question to:
Future Morph what might you be? /index.html 15 mins
Using Moviemaker, record your question with your webcam
Save your videos in: \\clsbfile-01\pupilsharedwork$\Homework All Pupils\Chemistry\RAN\2nd Form We will then upload them to our YouTube channel