1 There a five things we need to know !!!!!!! Not 1 but 5 !!!!!!! Q1: Architecture Q2: Geodynamics Q3: Reservoirs Q4: Fluid pathways & drivers Q5: Chemistry of transport & deposition Kal-07
2 Why five questions ? Q1: Architecture Q2: Geodynamics Q3:(Sources)Reservoirs Q4: (Transport)Fluid pathways & drivers Q5: (Trap)Chemistry of transport & deposition Define space-time framework of the system Provide data to predict where next At any scale
Benefits of Q1 and Q2: Explicit recognition of space-time framework Not just about fluid sources – its about where are the reservoirs? Not just a question of transport – its a question of where are the pathways and how/when were the pathways active. Q1& Q2 engage a broad cross-section of the Earth Science community in the mineral systems conversation 5km
Exploration benefits of mapping pathways in space-time (4D) framework Map of oxidized pathways in Au system: Determined from mapping redox gradients and proxies
AGCRC National Collaboration vehicles ????? Uncover Initiative PACE, EIS I & II Learnt to ask the right questions! How do we make this work in practice? The driving question: Why is the mineral deposit there (rather than somewhere else)? LEME 1LEME II 5 Questions first presented at an AGCRC industry panel advisory meeting, Floreat, Perth, March 18 th 1998 Need a new national initiative with cash
Tasks: Develop camp-scale to terrain- scale gradients maps to “see” reservoirs/pathways Differentiate metasomatism & metamorphism? Red/brown: Phengite - neutral/alkaline Blue: Muscovite – paragonite - acidic Some challenges: How big are the systems ?? Scott Halley, Mineral Mapping Kanowna Belle Wallaby deposit; Laverton District scale pH maps of the system provide some clues
A philosphical challenge: Need to be driven by mineral systems concepts not ore deposit models A ‘Common platform’ underpins the obvious differences in surface expression VW Golf Audi TT VW Beetle Skoda Octavia Courtesy Andy Barnicoat Uranium Deposits Copper Deposits Gold Deposits -Archean -Witwatersrand -Intrusive Ni Deposits Identify the common platform Discover the “DNA” of Mineral Systems
8 Are there a six things we need to know !!!!! Q1: Architecture Q2: Geodynamics Q3: Reservoirs Q4: Fluid pathways & drivers Q5: Chemistry of transport & deposition Q6 ????? The Cover Question??
The driving question: Why is the mineral deposit there (rather than somewhere else)? Conceptual Response: 5Qs 5 high level questions about what you need to know about the “whole” system 1.What is the architecture of the system? (Q2_GA) 2.What are the geodynamic and P-T histories of the system? (Q1_GA) 3.What are the fluid reservoirs? 4.What are the fluid flow drivers and pathways? 5.What are the processes driving metal and sulphur transport and deposition? Scale Integration: Apply across scale: micro- deposit- district- terrain- scale
The driving question: Why is the mineral deposit there (rather than somewhere else)? Conceptual Response: 5Qs 5 high level questions about what you need to know about the “whole” system 1.What is the architecture of the system? (Q2_GA) 2.What are the geodynamic and P-T histories of the system? (Q1_GA) 3.(Source) What are the fluid reservoirs? 4.(Transport) What are the fluid flow drivers and pathways? 5.(Trap) What are the processes driving metal and sulphur transport and deposition? Defining space – time framework of the mineral system
AGCRC/pmd*CRC 5 questions (5Qs) framework Q1 and Q2 – provide space time framework for system Matters of fluids/transport/despoition thought about in space/time framework Not just about fluid sources – its about where are the reservoirs Not just a question of transport – its a question of where are hte pathwys and how/when where htese paways active. reseSource/pathways/chemistry of transport
AGCRC/pmd*CRC 5 questions (5Qs) framework Cross scale Across discipline – explicitly draws a broad cross-section of earth science community into the problem.
3 Different Descriptions of a Mineral System Courtesy Andy Barnicoat Mathematical Description Integrate important elements of geology Summary of Practical Proxies
pmd*CRC 5 questions (5Qs) Historical Footnote: 5 Questions adopted by the AGCRC and pmd*CRC first presented at an AGCRC industry panel advisory meeting in Floreat, Perth, March 18 th 1998, chaired by Tom Loutit. Emerged from discussions between John Walshe, Bruce Hobbs, Alison Ord, Tom Loutit and Greg Hall in 1997, mostly in Canberra