Honor the Son John 5:16-30
Introduction Jesus provoked much controversy during His earthly ministry –Because He healed on the Sabbath... Jn 5:16 –The Jews wanted to kill Him –Because of His answer... Jn 5:17-18 –The Jews wanted even more to kill Him »They understood He was making Himself equal with God »We already looked at this truth (Jn 1:1-3)
The Father and the Son Jesus explains (Jn 5:19) –The Father works every day Answering prayers, maintaining His creation, etc –The Son does the works of God on the Sabbath Healing the sick, showing mercy, etc The Jews realized that a Son is of the same nature as the Father –So if Jesus claimed to be the Son of God... –Then He was claiming the same nature as the Father (Phil 2:5-8)
Honor the Son John 5:20-23 –Jesus tells the Jews they should honor the Son just as they honor the Father –A clear claim by Jesus to the exact same worship as given to the Father He is equal in nature The Jews had not misunderstood His earlier statement –Why should they (and we) honor the Son? Did Jesus offer proof for His claim to honor?
Why honor the Son? Because the Father loves the Son –The proof? The works Jesus has done including the Sabbath healing Jn 3:1-2 (“We know...”) –More proof? Greater works Jesus would raise the dead –Jairus’ daughter (Mk 5:21-43) –The son of the widow of Nain (Lk 7:11-17) –Lazarus (Jn 11) But the greatest life-giving would be eternal life –1 Cor 15:22 –Jesus will say more about this in a moment
Why honor the Son? Because the Father has given judgment to the Son –This is necessary if He is going to give life to some –He already made the same claim (Jn 3:17-18) And explains more fully (Jn 12:44-50) –The judgment will be based on the words of God »Given by the Father to the Son to man
Why honor the Son? Because the Son offers eternal life –Jn 5:24-27 Based on the fact that He has authority to judge –Then He must have authority to save That salvation “is coming and now is” –It began in Jesus ministry, but not fully realized until after His death and resurrection –The “dead” in v25 would be the spiritually dead But how do we honor the Son?
How we honor the Son Jn 5:24-29 –By hearing His voice now One day ALL will honor Him by hearing His voice –Alive or dead, righteous or unrighteous »Phil 2:9-11 If we hear Him NOW, we can have eternal life If we wait to hear Him on that day, we will have condemnation –But “hearing” requires belief and obedience Lk 6:46-49 Jn 8:31-32
How we honor the Son Jn 5:30 –By seeking the Father’s will All that the Father gave Jesus to do, He did –His "food" was to do the Father's will (Jn 4:34) –He came down from heaven to do the Father's will (Jn 6:38) –He glorified the Father by doing the work He was given to do (Jn 17:4) Jesus wants us to do His Father's will –Otherwise we will not enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt 7:21-23) –Otherwise we will not be part of His family (Mt 12:46-50)
Conclusion All should honor the Father and the Son –Rev 5:12-13 –We should honor Them now by believing and obeying the Word of God So that we can be forgiven and made alive All will one day honor both the Father and the Son –But for those who did not do so in life, it will be too late to save them