Ocean Animals Part 2 Mrs. Hough’s Second Grade Class December 2004
Sea Horse by Nadia The sea horse lives in the middle of the ocean and it uses its tail to move. It goes up and down. The face looks like a horse. When the mother has her eggs they glow. The size is 4 inches. They eat up to 3,000 brine shrimp every day.
Lobsters by Dennis Lobsters live in the coral reef and tide pools. All baby and adult lobsters shed their own skin every three months. The size is 1 foot.The body looks like a long insect. Lobsters feed on live and dead fish. It has two arms and eight legs.
Squid by Joshua Squid live in the tide pools. Squids have parts of their tentacles called suckers. Squids use suckers to hold onto their prey and for defense. Small squids are 6 inches long. Squids eat animals that are small enough to catch. Some squids are bright silver and pink.
California Sea Lion by Sonya A California sea lion lives at the Pacific Ocean. They look like a sea otter.The parts of the body are the flippers, mouth, whiskers, nose, eyes and ears. Sea lions can be 6 feet to 8 feet long. They eat fish and squid. They get it from the water.
Pelican by Sonya A pelican lives near land. They kinda look like a seagull but with a longer beak. They have a long beak so they can eat and they have a pouch to keep their food. They are white and orange. They are eight feet long. The pelican has a special way to say hello.
Open Sea
Humpback Whales by Kyle The Humpback whale live in the open sea. Humpback whales are blue and white. They are known for its sounds. It can make about a thousand different sounds. They are 60 feet long. They eat shrimp and small fish. Whales have a strong tail.
Eels by Derrik Eels are fish that are long. Some eels are as long as 13 feet. Most eels live in caves in the sea. Many eels live in coral reefs. Eels eat other fish, shellfish and crabs.
Sharks by Mahad Sharks live in the open sea. A shark is blue. It has fins so it can swim. It eats seagulls, seals, turtles and shellfish. The size of a shark is 20 feet long. Sharks are older than dinosaurs and some sharks can glow in the dark. Sharks can smell blood over a mile away.