Integrated Large Infrastructure for Astroparticle Science Geppo Cagnoli University of Glasgow and INFN Sez. di Firenze JENAM – Liege – 6 th July 2005
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli2 of 22 The context around ILIAS ILIAS is an EU project funded under the Framework Program 6 Bijan Saghai from CEA (Saclay) is the coordinator It has been promoted by ApPEC (Astro-particle Physics European Coordination)
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli3 of 22 ILIAS Mission Support and coordinate a common European Research Activity in the strategic areas of Double Beta Decay, Dark Matter and Gravitational Wave Detection
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli4 of 22 ILIAS summary data Start: April 1 st contractors from 12 countries ~ 70 labs Other contributing labs –20 countries, 6 outside EU –~ 70 labs Budget –10M€ total –7.5M€ EC contribution DELIVERABLES 3 Joint Research Activities 4.1M€ 5 Networking Activities 2.7M€ 1 Transnational Access 0.7M€
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli5 of 22 ILIAS Coordination Managing Scheme
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli6 of 22 ILIAS Activities Coordination and Management Underground Laboratories Gravitational Wave Infrastructures Low Background Techniques for DUS Integrated 2 Decay Thermal Noise reduction in GW Detectors Deep Underground Science Labs Search on 2 Decay Direct Dark Matter Detection Gravitational Wave Antennae Theoretical Astroparticle Physics Transnational Access
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli7 of 22 Direct Dark Matter Detection Dark Matter issues –Primordial nucleosynthesis and CMB limit the baryonic matter at just 15% of the total –WIMPs are the most likely candidate for the Dark Matter –Next Generation Detectors aim to pb i.e. several 100s kg of target masses + low background Objectives –Convergence in the assessment of different detector concepts –Convergence on the strategy for future large scale European dark matter experiments
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli8 of 22 WIMP Detection A challenge! Weak and gravitational interactions only Interaction rate « events/kg/yr (hence background rates crucial) Small signals Mass ~1–1000 GeV/c 2 Velocity limited by binding to Galaxy Recoil nuclei: E kinetic ~few keV Recoil due to neutron difficult to distinguish from WIMP recoil Expected signal modulations
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli9 of 22 Modulation Signatures WIMP halo will manifest itself as a WIMP wind A directional detector provides a capability to measure this. 42 o midnight noon WIMP Wind Annual modulation ~10% variation in signal strength Diurnal signature - goes in and out of phase with solar day- night cycle. Directional asymmetry ~50%
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli10 of 22 Direct DMD Search Situation
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli11 of 22 Direct DMD Working Groups (Josef Jochum, Uni. of Tübingen, coordinator) Detection Techniques –Cryogenic Detectors and Cryostat –Liquid Xenon Detectors –Ge and NaI Detectors –Advanced Detectors including directional concepts Common Issues –Background Simulation and Neutron Shielding –High Purity Materials and Purification Techniques –Axion Search –Common theoretical aspects
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli12 of 22 Gravitational Wave Detection a New Astronomy Gravitational Waves are precursors of the most violent events in the Universe GRB050509B Merging of Compact Objects, Pulsars, SN explosions, Cosmic Strings and Dark Matter can be investigated with GW The effect of GW is pure mechanical Swift Telescope 53s after GRB
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli13 of 22 Typical signal strength of C/O inspirals k10k Frequency [Hz] h [ Hz –1/2 ] DistanceRate NS-NS20Mpc 1/3000yr 1/3yr NS-BH43Mpc 1/2500yr 1/2yr BH-BH100Mpc 1/600yr 3/yr ~10 min ~3 sec ~10,000 cycles GEO600 LIGO VIRGO AURIGA NAUTILUS Seismic Thermal noise Shot noise NS-NS Virgo cluster
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli14 of 22 Thermal noise limit to the GW detection All the Earth based detectors are limited by thermal noise that causes fluctuations on position and shape of the test masses Interferometers: thermal noise in mirrors and in suspension fibres Bars/Spheres: thermal noise in the resonant elements
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli15 of 22 Present situation VIRGO is about 2 years behind LIGO An array of detectors is being formed
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli16 of 22 The 2 nd Detectors Generation k10k Frequency [Hz] h [ Hz –1/2 ] ADVANCED LIGO Stretching to the very limit the room temperature technology >10 times total noise reduction DistanceRate NS-NS20Mpc 1/3000yr 1/3yr NS-BH43Mpc 1/2500yr 1/2yr BH-BH100Mpc 1/600yr 3/yr NS-NS350Mpc 3/yr 4/day NS-BH750Mpc 1/yr 6/day BH-BHZ~0.45 1/month 30/day
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli17 of 22 Preparing the Future: 3 rd Generation of Detectors The Advanced Detectors will stretch to the very limit the room temperature technology for interferometers Any minimal change of the specs has great effect in the detection distance We have to secure the detection distance and potentially increase it with a further 10 times reduction of the detector noise Low temperature is the most promising direction Japan has already started the design of the LCGT (Large Cryogenic Gravitational Telescope) Complementary to LISA (Space borne interferometer)
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli18 of 22 Detection range on NS-NS binaries GRB050509B AD LIGO/VIRGO 3 rd Generation 1 st generation
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli19 of 22 Gravitational Wave Research in ILIAS Study of Thermal noise Reduction for European Gravitational wAve detectors (R&D) Gravitational Wave Antennae (Networking) STREGA mission – Lower thermal noise 10 times with respect to the second generation detectors STREGA coordinates the efforts that many labs in different projects spend on Thermal Noise Research GWA facilitates the collaboration between the different detectors
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli20 of 22 The activities in STREGA C1 - Cryogenic top suspensions for IFOs C2 - Cryogenic system for resonators C3 - IFOs last stage suspensions M1 Mirror substrates M2 Materials for resonators M3 – Super conductive RF cavities M4 Mirror coatings M5 Mirror suspensions M6 Cosmic Rays acoustic em. T1 - Direct ThNs measurement facility T2 - Dynamic photo-elastic effect T3 - Selective read-out for resonators 3 Objectives: Materials, Cryogenics, Th. Noise Selected topics
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli21 of 22 Working groups in GWA Joint operation of antennas and network data analysis A European strategy for future detectors Antenna commissioning and characterization
6th July 2005JENAM - Liege - G.Cagnoli22 of 22 Conclusion First of the 5 years is already concluded –1 st year report is being assessed by the EC –All the deliverables (mostly reports) have been successfully produced The coordination across labs of different projects is satisfactory ILIAS is planning already to extend its activity to the next FP7 More details in