October 8, 2013 Shared & Distributed Leadership CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness Monthly Webinar.


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Presentation transcript:

October 8, 2013 Shared & Distributed Leadership CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness Monthly Webinar

Moderator 2  Circe Stumbo President, West Wind Education Policy, and Consultant to CCSSO

Webinar Logistics  Everyone is muted  Use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question—send questions to “All Participants” (NOT “All Attendees”) or to individual panelists 3  If you have problems, send Naz Rajput a message via the chat function or an at

Raising Your Hand

Why this topic? (1) GTL Center CCR CoP Problem of Practice  Principals struggle with workload  What *must* *principals* do and what might other district, school, and teacher leaders do? (assistant principals, coaches, etc.)  Principals struggle to perform both managerial and instructional leadership roles (and really struggle with leading second order change) 6

GTL Center CCR CoP Principal Workload Problem of Practice  Possible solutions:  REL study of the actual workload of principals in the pilot districts  Provide different models for how leadership responsibilities can be shared among different actors within a school (e.g., teacher leaders, assistant principals, coaches, etc.) 7

(2) State Initiatives, such as Iowa’s 8

Overview and Introductions  Irv Richardson Program Director, Shared and Effective Leadership CCSSO, Educator Workforce Initiative 9

From a distributed perspective, leadership involves mortals as well as heroes. It involves the many and not just the few. It is about leadership practice, not simply roles and positions. And leadership practice is about interactions, not just the actions of heroes. —Spillane 2006

 Teacher Leader Model Standards  Focus of Educational Leadership  Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning Interest in Sharing Leadership

Why the Interest?  Involve more educators in initiatives that improve student learning  Develop the talents and skills of educators  Implement important initiatives  Develop a pipeline for other leadership positions  Increasing impact on student learning

New Roles  Instructional Leaders  Students who need additional assistance  Monitoring students’ progress  Collaboratively addressing problems of practice  Coaching and mentoring  Structuring time and instruction differently

New Roles + New Structures = New Tensions  Authority  Decision making  Division and Coordination of tasks  Communication

New Structures = Better Results?  Better results  For students?  For parents and other community members?  For educators?

Two examples  Math and Science Learning Academy, Denver, Colorado  Harding High School, St. Paul, Minnesota

Presenters Lynne Lopez-Crowley Co-Lead Teacher Math and Science Learning Academy Denver, CO 17

Presenters Douglas Revsbeck Principal Harding High School St. Paul, MN 18

Webinar Resources  Doug’s and Lynne’s PowerPoint slides and the pre-readings are in the webinar module on the SCEE site.  web web 19

Questions and Answers 20

Upcoming SCEE Events  Next SCEE webinar Tuesday, November 12, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT Followed by a live chat, 3:00-3:30 pm EDT  December SCEE Topical Meeting w/ICCS December 3-4 Supporting Principal Effectiveness in Leading Teacher Evaluation and Support & Common Core Implementation 21

30 Minute Live Chat  Audio will be off  Participants ask questions of the presenters in the Chat box  We will post the chat transcript on the webinars page at the conclusion of this event 22

30 Minute Q&A Chat  Find the Chat in the bottom right side of your screen  To make the Chat appear larger on your screen, click on the triangle next to the Participants list to minimize it  Questions and comments sent to “All Participants” are visible to everyone (NOT to “All Attendees)  To offer an anonymous question or comment privately, click on “Circe Stumbo” in the list of panelists or her at  For technical assistance chat with Naz Rajput or her at 23

Please complete the webinar evaluation. You will receive a link to the form via shortly after the webinar concludes. Thank you 24

The Mathematics and Science Leadership Academy

Teams Peer Assisted Review (PAR) Climate and Culture Data and Curriculum Technology Teams we no longer have Professional Development

School Leadership Team The School Leadership Team is required by our district and by contract. MSLA has used this team to satisfy district and union requirements and has developed it further to enhance and streamline the decision making process. Outcomes: More voice Time management

PAR PAR teams Pre Par Conversations Peer Observations Peer Debriefs Modifications Alignment with district evaluation system (LEAP) Observation focus


Evolution of MSLA Systems Meeting time Lead Teacher duties Aligned focus Others

Effect on Academics

Growth Rating



Harding Senior High School Enrollment 37 1,973 Students in Grades 9-12 Special Education14% Free/reduced lunch 86% English Learners30% Home Language Other Than English69% (42 different languages)

Harding’s Learning culture Journey Sustainability Stage Exploration Innovation Stage Stage Installation Full Implementation Stage Stage Initial Implementation Stage ’05 ’06’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12’13 ‘14 Harding’s Learning Journey

Our Learning Journey 07/08 4 Questions (shift in mindset-teaching to learning) 08/ Big Rocks (conceptualizing big ideas of PLCs) 09/10 – Breakthrough results and focus on LITERACY (the key is literacy embedded in our practice) 10/11 - Believe it - Meeting students where they are (taking literacy deeper with reading strategies) 11/12 – Hitting the target: A shared focus on Instructional practice - from “what” to “how” (ELL/Literacy/Differentiation/GANAG) 12/13 – Knowing our impact – Sharpening instructional practices through PLC and inquiry learning 13/14 – Sustaining our momentum of shared focus on Harding targets using an Equity Lens

HHS MTSS Leadership Team Goals/Purpose: Serve as “Target Design Team” with school-wide focus on Equity & instructional targets aligned with SCIP Tasks: Design & 0rganize professional learning structures/direction Participants: LTFs, PD Team Leaders, coaches, consultants & administrators Leadership Supports: Turnaround Saint Paul consultants, teacher leaders, admin, coaches Meets: 2-3 times per year Harding Equity Team Goals/Purpose: Achieve educational equity by developing support for school leaders Tasks: Examine school policy, practices, and climate to identify barriers for equity leading to systemic change of achievement Participants: 6 equity leaders Leadership Supports: SPPS alignment, Administrators PLC Goals/Purpose: Instructional leadership learning Tasks: Use Data Team Process to support and monitor the implementation of school-wide instructional targets (walkthroughs) Participants: 6 admin & 1 teacher facilitator Leadership Supports: Coaches and Equity Lead Tasks: Learning work around effective instruction Meets: Monthly Inquiry MTSS (Tier 1) - Goals/Purpose: learning focused instruction practices Tasks: Provide differentiated PD focused on school- wide instructional targets Participants: All staff Leadership Supports: Administrators, literacy coaches, instructional coaches, Inquiry Facilitators Meets: Monthly PLC Teams MTSS (Tier 1) Goals/Purpose: Work collaboratively to increase student learning through instructional strategies and common assessments, Tasks: Address school priorities related to PLC Participants: Teachers leaders (LTFs) Leadership Supports: 2 admin Meets: Individually and collectively with administration on a Weekly basis MTSS (Tier 2) Goals/Purpose: Implement intense literacy in Tier 2 classes (reading, ELL,, electives, etc) Tasks: Use Data Team Process to guide, support, & monitor literacy strategies Participants: Five Teacher Leaders (LTFs) Leadership Supports: TOSA Meets: Weekly MTSS (Tier 3) GRAD Crisis Goals/Purpose: Monitor “at risk” students Tasks: Provide interventions for at risk students (key focus on GRAD and intervention support) Participants: 1 admin, 2 counselors, 2 literacy coaches, data specialist, teacher, parent liaison, testing coordinator, counselors Leadership Supports: Admin Meets: Weekly Department Chairs Goals/Purpose: Facilitate dept. work that is not related to PLCs and instruction Tasks: Manage dept resources and schedule Participants: A rep. from each dept. Leadership Supports: Admin Meets: As needed English (5 PLCs) Math (4 PLCs) Social Studies (4 PLCs) World Language (1 PLC) Teacher led classroom visits FACS (1PLC) CTE (1PLC) Art) (1P LC ELL (1PLC) Reading (1PLC) Differentiation Literacy GANAG ELL Strategies Science (4 PLCs) Health (1PLC) AVID (1PLC) MTSS Distributive Leadership Model 2013/2014 Harding High School updated 03/07/13


PLC team meetings Period PLCs (# of teachers) 1ELL (4) 2Social Studies (12) + Sped (3) 3 Math (19) + Sped (1) Science 9 (3) + Sped (1) 4 Period 4/5 World Language (7) Period 5/6 Physics (2) Chemistry (2) (7) PSD (3) 8 9English (13) + Sped (2) 10 Biology (5) + Sped (1) Art (4) LTF meeting PLC Schedule

Cultural shifts From isolation to collaboration From individualized to shared practice From us vs them to a partnership model From checklist to reflective practice From what to how From coverage to ensuring learning From content to literacy strategies Individually structured lesson to commonly designed structured lessons