Using a VLE to manage a large class Peter Chalk Dept of Comp, Comm Tech & Maths London Met (North Campus) Learning Technologies Workshop 8/11/02 (City Campus)
Introduction “This year a large first year BSc Computing module (over 300 students) has been re- organised for delivery using a VLE. Student record management, course content and all assessment is now on-line. Nearly 30 teaching assistants are involved. Find out how things are progressing!” (my , Oct 02)
The reality 443 students ‘doing’ IM110 (Intro to Java) Peak (physical) = 315 (week 3 lecture) Peak (virtual) = 323 (weeks 4-6 quiz) 29 Tutorial Groups (23 tutors, FT, PT & PhD) a week to manage 4 lectures (3 lecturers) a week WebCT used to organise, track, assess etc
Last Year (Pass %ages) 39% of the intake in 0102a passed 56% of the students who took the exam etc (‘finished’) passed
So far this year (0203a) ‘Finishing’ = 323 out of 443 (ie took assignment 1 quiz) 37 failed quiz (level same as UEL, SBU & Bolton) Pass rate so far –(323-37) / 323 finishers = 88.5% –( ) / 443 intake = 64.6%
SIMT Response One language (Java) over 2 semesters Small tutor groups (15) Constructivism (Piaget) Graphics library (Papert’s Logo) Web-based Multimedia Learning Objects VLE - WebCT (well supported at North Campus)
Learning Objects - Text
Learning Objects - Animation
Learning Objects - Situated
Learning Objects - Interactive
VLE - WebCT Scaffold students (Woods) by: –variety of on-line support –graphical feedback & visualisation –learning aids (learning objects) –discussion & –feedback on assignments –Weekly assessed exercises in log & VLE
VLE course content
Assessment using the VLE Continuous, feedback-driven Apprenticeship-style (Lave, Wenger) On-line quiz question bank (2 MCQs & exam) All marks viewable by ID, profile data Assignment grades/comments on-line
Research benefits of VLE Tracking student visits to content pages & content page hits: –Insight into use of learning aids & how students learn Qualitative data in discussion and chat logs Also using: –Server log stats, evaluation questionnaires & interviews
Tracking Hits on Learning Aids
Sample Students’ Hit Summary
One Student’s Record of Hits
Conclusion – the industrialisation of education Economies of scale, team building Reusable resources: learning aids, quiz questions and VLE area (cf Bolton) Requires ultra-reliable, well supported servers & mirrors plus staff training Verifiable resources (eg on-line marks confirmed by students, randomised MCQ) As far as possible, paperless Community of learning in VLE? (Wenger)
Thanks to Learning object team: Tom Boyle, Claire Bradley and Richard Haynes Teaching team, too numerous to mention! Module leaders & lecturers: Ray Jones (& for graphics library), Ken Fisher, Nasrin Karim & Shanyu Tang Collaboration & Academic Leadership: Poppy Pickard (Bolton) & Nancy Johnson