Fostering worldwide interoperabilityGeneva, July 2009 Emergency Communications in ETSI (SC EMTEL) Presenter: Mike Sharpe, VP ETSI ESP Source: Ken Mott, Chairman SC EMTEL Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #:GSC14-PLEN-028 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ETSI AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 6.2 CONTACT(S):Ken Mott
Fostering worldwide interoperability 2 Geneva, July 2009 Study into unauthenticated and unregistered access to the emergency services (TR ): To help tackle the problem of emergency calls made from handsets without a SIM card, where the details of the caller are unavailable As 3GPP and other groups (such as IETF) are also working on this subject EMTEL will check if additional work is still needed in this area Highlight of Current Activities (1)
Fostering worldwide interoperability 3 Geneva, July 2009 Special Report on call forwarding and the referral of emergency calls is being compiled (SR ): In some countries, emergency calls have to be redialled if more than one service is required EMTEL is looking at ways in which the call can be forwarded, to save crucial time and increase efficiency Special Report on test verification for emergency calls (SR ): looking at the possibility of standardising procedures Highlight of Current Activities (2)
Fostering worldwide interoperability 4 Geneva, July 2009 Revision of TS on “Requirements for communications from authorities/organisations to the citizens during emergencies”: to add parameterisation of the requirements and any additional requirements discovered e.g. issue of message identifiers, European view on warning systems Highlight of Current Activities (3)
Fostering worldwide interoperability 5 Geneva, July 2009 EMTEL has regular liaisons with other groups such as: other ETSI TBs 3GPP groups ITU-T IETF-ECRIT CoCom EGEA (Expert Group on Emergency Access) BAPCO (British Association of Public Safety Communications Officers) NENA, PSE (Public Safety Europe) Forum Highlight of Current Activities (4)
Fostering worldwide interoperability 6 Geneva, July 2009 Particular efforts to involve the public safety community more closely in its work and in the standardisation process generally: Members of the Committee have made a number of presentations at relevant conferences Enhancement of the current EMTEL website to provide a forum for the publication of documents, the dissemination of information and for consultation among the wider public safety community. Strategic Direction
Fostering worldwide interoperability 7 Geneva, July 2009 Improve promotion of EMTEL documents to users and other groups (e.g. other TBs and 3GPP groups, other SDOs, European projects) Continuous effort to get users’ requirements from public safety users (e.g. fire and rescue services, ambulances, police, Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP etc)) involved in the EMTEL work. Promote global harmonisation of public safety spectrum to enable cross border cooperation and provision of broadband data and such spectrum to be a publicly owned asset for public safety use only. Challenges
Fostering worldwide interoperability 8 Geneva, July 2009 A small group in EMTEL will: Identify how to better promote the EMTEL work done up to now Organise a promotional strategy plan for the future Ideas for that: Review EMTEL web site Hold regular workshops (not only to promote EMTEL deliverables but also to involve more users in the consultation process) A Liaison Statement will be sent to ERM regarding the future harmonisation and broadband spectrum requirements. Next Steps/Actions