Mission Statement Our Mission is “To exceed our customer’s expectation in all areas of our operations.” Our Core Values are: Integrity Exceptional Customer Service Care, Concern and Respect for our Employees Continuous Improvement Strong Relationships with our Communities Responsible Individual Initiative
CLUB CENTRO TEAM CEO LAURENCE FRANKLIN HR CORINNE KLEINSORGEN COO JOEY COGNATA A strong team with an experience of over 10 years in current business. The team has also successfully accomplished the company’s mission in various other business segments.
Market Summary The club service business is one of the leading industry in the current market. It accounts for over $240 billion annually in sales. The independent restaurant accounts for 15% of that total. The average American spends 15% of his/her income away from home. This number has been increasing for the past seven years. In the pat five years this industry has out-performed the national GNP by 40%.
Opportunities The predicated growth trend is very positive both in short and long-term projections. The DMR Industrial Report (April 1995) estimates this as high as 30% over the next five years. State consumer problems, and define the nature of product/service opportunities that are created by those problems.
Business Concept Strategies employed by your company for each market segment Targeting strategy Positioning strategy Branding strategy Advertising strategy Promotional strategy Public relations strategy Publicity strategy Strategies employed by your company for each market segment Targeting strategy Positioning strategy Branding strategy Advertising strategy Promotional strategy Public relations strategy Publicity strategy
Competition In this competitive world there are over dozens of clubs that want to establish their business at competitive prices. Although this presents an obvious challenge in terms of market share, it also indicates the presence of a large, strong potential. The newest competitors have made their successful entry based on an innovative concept or novelty. Club Centro will offer an innovative product in a familiar style at a competitive price. Our aggressive plans will also give us an advantage to create a good market share before the competition can adjust or similar concepts appear.
Competition There are three major ways in which we will create an advantage over our competitors; quality and novelty. good sales attitude. innovative and aggressive service options.
Goals & Objectives Five-year goals State specific, measurable objectives. State market share objectives. State revenue/profitability objectives.
Financial Plan A high-level financial plan that defines the financial model and the pricing assumptions and that reviews yearly expected sales and profits for the next three years Use several slides to cover this material appropriately
Resource Requirements Technology requirements Personnel requirements Resource requirements Financial, distribution, promotional, etc. External requirements Products, services, technologies that must be purchased outside the company
Risks & Rewards Risks Summarise risks of proposed project Addressing risks Summarise how risks will be addressed Rewards Estimate expected pay-off, particularly if seeking funding
Key Issues Near term Isolate key decisions and issues that need immediate or near-term resolution. Long term Isolate issues needing long-term resolution. State consequences of decision postponement. If you are seeking funding, state specifics