Carte De’Europe, 1870
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) Dispute with France over the throne of Spain Bismark manufactures a war! French declaration of war, July 15, 1870 Battle of Sedan, September 2, 1870 (Nappy Captured) Siege of Paris (4mos), capitulates January 28, 1871 Followed by Paris Commune, Mar.-May Germany gains Alsace & Lorraine Source of future resentment -- WWI! Southern German states join Northern German Confederation William I proclaimed Kaiser, January 8, 1871, of the Second German Empire Coronation in Hall of Mirrors, Versailles!
Proclamation of German Empire (Reich) Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, January 1871 Discussing the War in a Paris Café, Illustrated London News, Sept 1871 Brandendburg Gate, Berlin after Sedan: “What a Change through God’s Guidance” Napoleon & Bismarck after Sedan -"Henri, were you there at Sedan?" (Henri, étais-tu à Sedan?) -"Yes, Majesty" (Oui, Sire) -"We were not cowards at Sedan were we?" (N'est-ce pas que nous n'avons pas été des lâches à Sedan?) Nappy’s last words, to his friend and doctor, 1873
Paris Commune, 18 Mar - 28 May, 1871 Causes: 1) Disaster of War; 2) Worker Discontent dating to 1830’s Prussian Siege = shortages among poor Citizens’ militia = “Nat’l Guard” defend city & supply shock troops of Commune Armistice 28 Jan, 1871 Prov. Gov’t orders cannon siezed from Guard 18 March Soldiers join Nat’l Guard, execute 2 generals! Prov. Gov’t evacuates to Versailles Election of “Communal Council” 26 May -- diverse group Policies: Separation Church/State; Women’s Suffrage; Labor Laws & Econ. Equalization; Free Schools Radical Feminism!
Paris Commune, cont… Beginnings of Skirmishing w/ Versailles Army early April concern w/ Defense outside help: Gov’t seals Paris, news out Prussia releases POW’s to help Prov. Gov’t repress Commune 21 May -- Paris defenses breached : La Semaine Sanglante (The Bloody Week Commune: decentralized, fought by district -- working class neighborhoods fought fiercest Versaillese: central command, numerical supremacy Last pockets fall 28 May Reprisal executions -- 10,000-50,000 dead! Père Lachaise Cemetary & “Communards’ Wall Marial Law in Paris 5 years Paris Commune as model, inspiration for Communists, Socialists, Anarchists Marx: Commune should have moved more swiftly and harshly
Column at Plâce de Vendôme -- Bye Bye Nappy! Execution of Communards in Père Lachaise Cemetary Column at Plâce de Vendôme -- Bye Bye Nappy! “Priests And Nuns” Our Good fathers Justice of the People Paris after the Siege Barricades
Map 22. 3: The Unification of Germany
Map 22.4: Europe in 1871