Highlights of users applications To provide you some ideas how Geant4 would be utilized …
High Energy Physics
3BaBar BaBar at SLAC is the pioneer experiment in HEP in use of Geant4 –Started in 2000 –Simulated 5*10 9 events so far –Produced at 20 sites in North America and Europe –Current average production rate 6.1 x 10 7 events/week Now simulating PEP beam line as well (-9m < z IP < 9m) Courtesy of D.Wright (SLAC) BaBar
6 LHCb
9 Boulby Mine dark matter search Prototype Simulation Courtesy of H. Araujo, A. Howard, IC London LXe GXe PMT mirror source One High Energy event Dark matter
Beam ray-tracing
11 Geant4 for beam transportation Courtesy of V.D.Elvira (FNAL)
12 Courtesy of G.Blair (CERN)
° ° 300 X ° analysis magnet Switching magnet Image plan Object collimator Diaphragm Object 5 µm in diameter DOUBLET TRIPLET Electrostatic deflection Singletron incident beam Image < 50 nm FWHM same prediction as Oxray, Zgoubi… Intermediate image 60 nm x 80 nm Sub-micron CENBG : nanobeam line design 3D field map OM50 quadrupoles IN2P3
Space science
15 Chandra X-ray observatory, with similar orbit, experienced unexpected degradation of CCDs Possible effects on XMM? Baffles X-ray detectors (CCDs) Mirrors Telescope tube X-ray Multi-Mirror mission (XMM) Launch December 1999 Perigee 7000 km apogee km Flight through the radiation belts XMM
16 astrophysics - ray bursts AGILE GLAST Typical telescope: Tracker Calorimeter Anticoincidence conversion electron interactions multiple scattering -ray production charged particle tracking GLAST AGILE
17 MAXI ISS Columbus AMS EUSO Bepi Colombo SWIFT LISA Smart-2 ACE INTEGRAL Astro-E2 JWSTGAIA Herschel Cassini GLAST XMM-Newton
18 Courtesy T. Ersmark, KTH Stockholm ISS
19 X-Ray Surveys of Asteroids and Moons Induced X-ray line emission: indicator of target composition (~100 m surface layer) Cosmic rays, jovian electrons Geant3.21 G4 “ standard ” Geant4 low-E Solar X-rays, e, p Courtesy SOHO EIT C, N, O line emissions included ESA Space Environment & Effects Analysis Section Geant4 in space science
20 Bepi Colombo: X-Ray Mineralogical Survey of Mercury Alfonso Mantero, Thesis, Univ. Genova, 2002 Space Environments and Effects Section BepiColombo ESA cornerstone mission to Mercury Courtesy of ESA Astrophysics BepiC
21 Planetary radiation environments L. Desorgher, Bern U. Planets
22 Radiation damage
25 Harald Paganetti GEANT4 based proton dose calculation in a clinical environment: technical aspects, strategies and challenges
26 Screen shots of gMocren KEK
27 CT-simulation with a Rando phantom Experimental data obtained with TLD LiF dosimeter CT images used to define the geometry: a thorax slice from a Rando anthropomorphic phantom Comparison with commercial treatment planning systems M. C. Lopes 1, L. Peralta 2, P. Rodrigues 2, A. Trindade 2 1 IPOFG-CROC Coimbra Oncological Regional Center - 2 LIP - Lisbon Agreement better than 2% between GEANT4 and TLD dosimeters LIP
28 Hadrontherapy KEK
31 Educational applications KEK+IN2P3
32 Cellular CENBG ab cd Chemical compositio n Mean dose in nucleus (Gy) Liquid water 0.14 ± 0.02 Reference cell (ICRU) 0.32 ± 0.06 CENBG measurem ents 0.38 ± 0.07 Ion beam analysis with protons (PIXE, RBS) 3D high resolution phantom Confocal microscopy of HaCat cell Geant4 Microdosimetry Cellular irradiation 3 MeV alphas Cytoplasm Nucleus IN2P3