Abbreviations, Jargon and Technical Language. Learning Intentions 1.To use the extracts and the internet (especially Google “define” searches) to identify the meaning of common industry terms. Pages to complete today The crosswords and table on pages
Scrambled answers to the crossword puzzle (Page 25 and 26) US DollarsBed and Breakfast PassengersCrescent MillimetreDeparting Full Board (3 meals)Arriving TerraceEuros Automobile Association Holidays Local PaymentHalf Board (2 meals)
Mix and match answers to pages Any city that a flight stops in on the way to its final destination. Transport between your final destination port and your hotel or another port. Type of tour based around watching wildlife (often in Africa) Abbreviation for passenger. Trips which travel industry staff go on to learn more about a new destination. Ticket where you fly into one city and out of another. Busiest time of year for a tourism operator. Three letter code for LA International Airport. Payment made in the actual place that a tour takes place. Usually provides cash for the tour leader to pay for entrance fees, permits etc Type of ticket where you only get on the plane if there is a spare seat. Often cheaper. Standard rate for a room – not the discounted rate. When more than one airline shares a flight number.
Any city that a flight stops in on the way to its final destination. STOPOVER Transport between your final destination port and your hotel or another port TRANSFER Type of tour based around watching wildlife (often in Africa) SAFARI Abbreviation for passenger. PAX Trips which travel industry staff go on to learn more about a new destination. FAMILS Ticket where you fly into one city and out of another. OPEN JAW Busiest time of year for a tourism operator. PEAK SEASON Three letter code for LA International Airport. LAX Payment made in the actual place that a tour takes place. Usually provides cash for the tour leader to pay for entrance fees, permits etc LOCAL PAYMENT Type of ticket where you only get on the plane if there is a spare seat. Often cheaper. STANDBY Standard rate for a room – not the discounted rate. RACK RATE When more than one airline shares a flight number. CODE-SHARE
Mix and match answers for terms on page 30 (answers the first question in each box) Money paid to an organisation to help compensate for the carbon used in your travel (e.g. by planting trees) Hiking to see something, for example gorillas! The features of a trip that stand out. On some trips you need to pay single rooms are more expensive than half a double room. Leaders who were born and raised in the region the trip occurs in. More detailed information about the trip. Money paid to allow you to do something (e.g. enter a national park) Tells you whether places are available on the trip or not.
Money paid to an organisation to help compensate for the carbon used in your travel (e.g. by planting trees). CARBON OFFSET Hiking to see something, for example gorillas! TREKKING The features of a trip that stand out. HIGHLIGHTS On some trips you need to pay this because single rooms are more expensive than half a double room. SINGLE SUPPLEMENTS Leaders who were born and raised in the region the trip occurs in. LOCAL LEADERS More detailed information about the trip. TRIP NOTES Money paid to allow you to do something (e.g. enter a national park) PERMITS Tells you whether places are available on the trip or not. AVAILABILITY