1 From accreditation in HE to accreditation in VET: commonalities, differences and challenges Expert Seminar „Quality Assurance and Accredeitation in Lifelong learning“ Berlin – 24./25.February 20011Julia Jetter, ACQUIN e.V.
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 2 AGENDA Commonalities of HE and VET Differences between HE and VET Experiences with the accreditation in dual degree programs Challenges of accreditation in VET
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 3 commonalities Both systems deal with skills, abilities and competences HE and VET are subject to special regulations VET: frameworks adopt from the Chamber of crafts HE: frameworks adopt from professional organisations, ministries, etc. HE and VET use quality assurance instruments to measure quality and to improve it Both systems allow to transfer school achievements or grades from other countries Comparability because of international and national frameworks like EQR Thema 01
Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 4 Differences Challenge of VET: To acquire professional/ work experience Challenge of HE: To study and research in an academic/scientific field Access to VET: Period and requirements of former education Access to HE: Further education Thema 02
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 5 Differences Payment during VET vs. Study fees for HE Central curricula vs. Decentral study programs In Germany the vocational training as a baker is the same in the hole country; but we have 16 different programs to become a teacher for primary schools Differences between the responsibilities: HE: universities and ministries are responsible for the study programs VET: schools, enterprises, chambers of crafts, chambers of trade and ministries are responsible for the vocational training Thema 03
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 6 Challenges in accreditation in VET The experience of quality assurance agencies with the accreditation in VET lean to zero We can draw a comparison with the accreditation of dual degrees Definition of dual degree (in Germany) At the same time you get an academic degree and a training qualification Different kind of learning-locations (university and enterprise) Important part of practical experiences
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 7 Challenges in accreditation in VET Challenges we can see in the accreditation in dual degree programs: Theory vs. practical experiences Evaluation of practical experiences Personnel resources (How to assure the qualification of external staff) Quality assurance procedures
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 8 Challenges in accreditation in VET Main challenges in accreditation in VET from the perspective of an QA-agency: Define the addressee Integration of the stakeholders Different accreditation procedures vs. „One size fits all“ International perspective: how formalised is the national VET- System?
Thema 01Thema 02Thema 03Thema 04 ||| Thema 05Thema 06 ||| Thema 07 9 Tank you for your attention