Vocational Education System in Italy. The European Context The actions of the European Community in the field of education and formazionemira to encourage.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocational Education System in Italy

The European Context The actions of the European Community in the field of education and formazionemira to encourage cooperation between the Member States and to support and integrate their actions. In particular, the human capital understood as the set of knowledge, skills and competences of individuals, is considered the most recent EU policies such as the main resource we have for the progress and development, so that the enhancement is considered crucial for the terms of quality of life, employment, social cohesion and competitiveness

National Thematic Focus In the last decade, the structure of the educational system of education and training has been the subject of profound changes in the nature and functions. In the new configuration institutional State performs three functions in particular: - Governance of the national education system; - Controls the overall quality of the educational system of education and training; - Intervene with measures to ensure fair (financial and / or technical).

The regulations, which state and regions on the one hand, regions, local authorities and institutions school other, work together to develop a training policy consistent with the specificity of territories. This training policy shall be both unitary and coordinated with national training policies. The schools, according to the national guidelines, are called to give its form, through design, creativity, autonomy, types of learning more personalized and specific to the different needs of each student. In addition, the most recent legislative reforms, in line with the principles and guidelines Community education and training, to promote and ensure lifelong learning throughout their life, equal opportunities, the development of knowledge and the full development of person.

The Italian system of education and training The system consists of two cycles and a higher education 1. the first includes primary and secondary school. 2. the second cycle includes the high schools and the professional education and training.

The first Cycle The first cycle of education consists of primary school, which lasts five years, and secondary school level for a period of three years. Primary school promotes the development of personality and has the purpose to acquire and develop the knowledge and basic skills, to learn the means of expression and literacy in at least one European language in addition to Italian. At the end of primary school is not expected, as there was in previous system, a final examination. The secondary school level has a duration of three years and ensures a link with the second cycle. From the first year is introduced into the study of a second European language and the study of the use of technologies computer. At the end of this cycle is provided with a state examination the passing of which entitles to access to high schools and the education system and vocational training.

The second Cycle It is made from high schools and the system of 'education and training: the Students have the opportunity to choose between two paths: the system of schools consists of the following addresses, each of which has a duration of 5 years: - artistic - classic - economic - linguistic - music - scientific - technological - The human sciences

Each high school has two periods and a fifth year dedicated to deepening disciplinary ends with a state exam, which if exceeded and the consequent possession of Secondary high school diploma gives access to university, training, artistic, musical and dance education and training (IFTS). The system of education and vocational training, alternative to the system of schools, provides lasts at least four years. The titles and qualifications obtained at the end of four years allow you to take the exam. At the end of the third year, students obtain a first qualification expendable in the world of work and recognized at European level.

Combined school and work Students who have completed their fifteenth year of age, they can choose to do the entire training from 15 to 18 years through the alternation of study and work. The school-work identifies which implements the formation of the second cycle, both in the system of high schools and in the education and vocational training, to ensure young people, as well the knowledge base, the acquisition of skills they can use in the labor market. The alternating pathways are designed, implemented, assessed and evaluated under the responsibility the school or training, on the basis of special agreements with the companies, with the respective trade associations, chambers of commerce, industry, crafts and Agriculture and with public and private entities.

The learning mode alternating scopes such as implementing flexible learning mode and an equivalent cultural and educational, systematically linking classroom training with practical experience and fostering the guidance of young people to exploit their personal vocations, interests, individual learning styles, also attempts to correlate the educational offer to the cultural, social and economic development of the territory. The first prerequisite for the realization of initiatives lies in the organization of the modular activities involving alternation between theoretical, technical and practical. According to this ongoing evaluation accompanying the implementation of all activities allows the school or university, both in the world of work, verify the actual skills and competencies acquired by the student in order to investigate, in a subsequent module, any skills not acquired or to integrate the programming specification with contributions more strictly technical- professional from contact with the system company. Students can also undertake practical work in Italy or abroad. These assets are then recognized with special certificates issued by the dicompetenza educational and training institutions.

The apprenticeship The apprenticeship is an employment contract due to mixed. In addition to real employment relationship. In fact, the company is required to provide the necessary training to the young man to become a worker qualified. The apprenticeship is, therefore, the most valuable tool for young people who do not intend to continue the traditional paths of higher education, fostering the encounter between the training and employment. Our system recognized two contract involving training: the contract of apprenticeship or training and the training contract work.

The apprenticeship is split into three main categories: Apprenticeship contract for the fulfillment of the right-duty to education and training: can be undertaken in all sectors of activity all young people and adolescents who have reached the age of fifteen years. Has a term not exceeding three years and is aimed at achieving a professional qualification. Apprentice contract: they can be undertaken in all areas of activities of the subjects between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine. This contract is aimed at achievement of a professional qualification through job training and the acquisition of basic skills, transversal and technical-vocational. Apprenticeship contract for the acquisition of a diploma or advanced training courses: through this type may be employed in all sectors of activity, subjects aged eighteen and twenty-nine for the achievement of qualifications at secondary level, university of higher education and technical specialization.

Thanks for your attention