What’s new in VET - 2011 Carol Hunter RTO Services and Consulting
The NVR is coming... For QLD ...Later this year and possibly as late as November NSW, ACT and NT have already passed legislation with 1 July as the proposed start date National Legislation is on the table and possibly will pass in late March
National VET Regulator Bill Part of the cooperative policy framework that marks the integration of the new tertiary sector C’wealth will acquire new responsibilities that were formerly the domain of the states Created through a statutory agency (Standards Council) with more direct control over VET providers VIC and WA will enact mirror legislation
How will it be different? Both civil and administrative offences are available Reduced amount of ‘process’ auditing replaced by ‘quality’ auditing using more enhanced risk identification procedures to identify need to audit Referral and delegation powers e.g. to states, licensing or industry bodies or RTOs or state authorities The national standards will become a legislative instrument
How will it be different? There will be a mechanism for requesting re- assessment Strong investigation powers – to produce documents, to enter and search Strong enforcement penalties (civil and criminal) Enforceable undertakings, infringement notices and injunctions
How will this impact us? Too early to tell A lot of the bill is designed to provide for the wider market where significant damage has been done to the VET brand There will be changes in style and operation Delegation to QSA? Currently with TERC
The AQTF... QSA’s VET Update Other Changes.... The AQTF... QSA’s VET Update
Changes in the AQTF 1.4 current industry skills... But don’t forget that you need to have the vocational competency in the area to start with (then build on that by keeping current) Transitions. Keep up to date with the DET Registration Notices or NTIS. Transition needs to be made within 12 months to the new package. http://training.qld.gov.au/training- organisations/registration-audit/notices.html
Professional Development Lost Cost... especially for T and A
Professional Development Sites NQC – assessment fact sheets http://www.nqc.tvetaustralia.com.au/__data/ assets/pdf_file/0006/54996/Assessment_Fac t_Sheets_-_Guide.pdf NQC – Validation and Moderation series Guide for Developing Assessment Tools Assessor Guide http://www.nqc.tvetaustralia.com.au/nqc_publicati ons
Professional Development Sites VETpd http://www.vetpd.qld.gov.au/teaching- learning-and- assessment/resources/assessment- foundations-resources/index.html
Assessment Foundations Assessment Foundations resource topics can be downloaded from the website and customised to suit the professional development needs of the staff in your RTO. Within each topic, Assessment Foundations resources are presented in the following way: Topic Content file - which provides the core of topic information for participants Ideas for Delivery file - which provides a guide for the facilitator on how they might deliver the content. Ideas may include: Key discussion points to note about the topic content PowerPoint slides to support the key points Suggested activities to engage participants including instructions, suggested Worksheets and Worksheet Solutions Interactive online activities that have been developed to support the content.
Facilitator’s Guide
Powerpoint presentation