by: Shawna DeMars
Working with animals Gain trust from many people Being a part of something you love
Duties help vet with animal care Take and develop x- rays Examine samples Responsibilities Have to be emotionally stable Able to interact with many different people
Prepare animals Restrain animals Clean ears Clip nails Test for parasites Euthanize animals
Computers x-rays Medical supplies ultrasounds anesthesia machine
High school classes Science Computers Chemistry Math Heath
Must graduate from 2 year program accredited by the American veterinary medical association
Starting out 19,000 per year Advanced education and experience = 50,000 or more per year
Full time: 40 hours Some work 50 or more hours Early or late Also work part time
PROMOTIONSRELATED JOBS Working with more animals Taking a higher job Veterinarians 4 more years of school
Working with many animals Gain trust from many people Doing what makes you happy And being with what makes you happy
Long hours Euthanizing animals Being emotionally stable
Job outlook Grow 52% from 2010 to 2020 Job prospect is expected to be excellent
Ryan –Flynn, Mary Susan. Animals. New York: ferguson.2010.print. “hours and earnings.” become a veterinary technician. Become a veterinary technician web. 14 may 2012.