Attends every day Is on time to school and class Has all the necessary text books and equipment Has an organised folder for each subject Uses a diary Completes all homework by the due date Completes study and revision Regularly summarises work Spends time one-on-one with teachers Has a support network Has a balanced life Uses every minute of class time effectively
Year Level Coordinator Form group and Form Group teacher Pathways classes Structured tutorial sessions Thursday afternoon study group Student Welfare Counsellor Student Voice Open door policy
It is essential that students attend all classes A minimum of 90% attendance is necessary to meet unit outcomes and pass a unit Only a Medical Certificate is acceptable for absences in year 12. At VCAL: Students need to attend all VET and work placements to gain their VCAL certificate, if students are absent, they need to contact their placement. Lateness to school affects a students attendance rate. We ask your support in ensuring that your child arrives to school on time.
For VCE Students Year 12 is focused around the completion and success of SACs and Exams SACs contribute to a student’s Study Score and ultimately towards the student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). Your ATAR is your child’s rank and can’t be calculated. All SACs must be attended and completed at the set time The only exception to this is by providing a medical certificate or by making an application for Special Provisions
A place to study: Desk / space dedicated to school work Good light No distractions OR stay at school after 3.00 & use TSC facilities Getting the balance right: Reduce part time work hours. Encourage physical activity. Ensure enough sleep. Agreed use of the internet & mobile after 11.00pm. weeknights.
Work timetable: Post it on the fridge Ensure the timetable is being used. Become the tutor: Quiz them on a topic; help them to learn key terms. Discuss the work together Read the English novels and have a discussion about them. Make a set time to: Get the busy work out of the way – homework. Study Commit items to memory. Do additional questions. Complete exam questions. queries to your teacher
What will I be doing in 2014 to prepare for 2015? 1.Researching tertiary courses and career pathways. 2.Having regular discussions about courses and careers with the Pathways & Career team, subject teachers and family members. 3.Attend Tertiary Open Days and ask questions. Most open days will commence in August.
Application Process Tertiary Options University TAFE Private Providers Most universities and TAFEs in Victoria use the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) process. However some require direct applications. VTAC administers the application processes for places in tertiary courses, scholarships and special entry access schemes at university, TAFE and independent tertiary colleges in Victoria. VTAC receives and forwards application information and supporting documentation to the relevant authorities at institutions. VTAC also calculates and issues the ATAR
All year 12 VCE students will enter preferences (courses) though VTAC this year. VCAL students will apply directly to institutions of their choice. VTAC applications open on Monday 4 th* of August 2014 and close at the end of September, date TBA. Application fee is $ Payment by credit card or PayPal only on the day the application is made. – a late fee of $91.00 – a very late fee $ There are 3 levels of requirements you must meet to be considered for a course: - Tertiary entrance requirements - Institutional entrance requirements - Course entrance requirements More information to come during Study Camp and closer to VTAC application open date.
Ensure that students have somewhere appropriate to work Remain positive about results throughout the year Remind students that “school” must be the number one priority, but that balance is also required Attend parent teacher interviews with your child
SexENTER Outside CommitmentsUse of diary StrengthBlocker Female94.8NoAlways OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Female90.35NoAlways OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Female90.3Work (5)Always OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Male87.5NoAlways OrganisationLow Creativity Male86.75Primary Carer (+15)Always OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Female85.6Religious (-5)Always OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Male85.5NoAlways OrganisationHard to act on advice Female84.5NoAlways OrganisationLacked Confidence Female82.95Language (+5)Always OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Female76.1Dancing (-5)Always Positive InfluenceLimited Problem Solving Female73.6NoAlways OrganisationLacked Confidence Female73.25Sport (5)Always OrganisationLimited Problem Solving Male72.6Religious (5)Sometimes Clear GoalsLimited Problem Solving Male72.45NoSometimes ConfidenceLimited Problem Solving Male71.1NoSometimes Group WorkSelf Management Issues Female70.85NoSometimes Group WorkUnclear Goals
Thursday 27 to Friday 28 February Teambuilding, study sessions, sessions to support students in their year 12 studies $100 Permission forms have been distributed We would love to see everyone attend!