Excess! Too Much Of A Good Thing! Repetition! CREATE A HEADDRESS WHICH IS INSPIRED BY A TRADITIONAL CULTURAL FORM. Headdress: An ornamental covering for the head used for special events and ceremonies.
IDEAS YOUR HEADRESS MUST HAVE AN “EVERYDAY” TOPIC. Example: If your topic is “brushing your teeth”, your headdress will be covered in old toothbrushes.
Traditional healer Nokusho Bhengu wears a headdress topped with goat gall bladders in KwaNgcolosi, South Africa. CRAFTSMANSHIP IS CRUCIAL. You will need to glue your objects on the headdress very neatly.
Man, Ray ( ) Man, Ray Man, Ray Juliet with Crocheted Headdress 1945 The BASE of your project can be made of any head gear that works within your plan. Baseball cap, large headband, wool hat, etc.
Scandinavian girl wearing candle headdress on St Lucy's Day, 1936.Artist: Fox
Montezuma's headdress is a featherwork crown which tradition holds belonged to Moctezuma II, the Aztec emperor at the time of the Spanish Conquest. However, its provenance is uncertain, and even its identity as a headdress has been questioned.It is made of quetzal and other feathers mounted in a base of gold studded with precious stones. It currently rests in the Museum of Ethnology, Vienna, and is a source of dispute between Austria and Mexico, as no similar pieces remain in Mexico.,
Rameses II, Ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty, 13th century BC (1926). Artist: Winifred Mabel Brunton
You will not have to wear the headdress, but it must fit on your head and should be able to BE WORN. Woman with traditional wedding headdress, Java, Indonesia
A man wears a traditional Papuan head dress at an independence rally in Australia. [Reuters]
The traditional Yoruba (West Africa) women's outfit includes the gele (head tie/wrap). Stiff fabrics are preferred so that it holds it shape throughout the day. The gele is wrapped around the head but unlike most head wraps that lie flat on contour of the head, the gele is manipulated to stand away from the head, creating an enormous headpiece. Over time and with more wealth becoming available to the commoners (versus the royalty), the size and quality of workmanship and fabrication in the gele became to be a potent symbol of a woman's socio-economic status
Afghan Turkmen Tribal Head Dress - This amazing ceremonial headdress is worn with pride to designate status and position on important occasions. These headpieces are rich with tribal jewelry symbolism and ritual significance. For example, the cowry shells represent the romantic side of the feminine and the promise of fertility
1462 Korean queen's ceremonial headdress
Adult men from the Amazon Kayapo-Mekragnoti tribe wore this ceremonial headdress, made from three different species of macaw. Tribes work with feathers, rattan, wood, beads, seeds, nuts and any other material that is available. For the most part, feathers are collected from molting birds, not from those that are killed.
Fashion Sculptor Jen LaMeastra; Crayon Mohawk Used Crayons, plastic grocery bag, hot glue, and packing tape
Eugene Von Bruenchenhein's wife, Marie
Daily Activities Daily Activities Sleeping/dreaming Bathing Homework Walking Looking in the mirror Smiling Drinking water Sports/dance/physical activity Applying makeup/mascara/deodorant Drawing/hobbies Tying shoes/zippers/buttons Eating breakfast/dinner Playing with siblings Talking/communicating Going online Chores/dishes/laundry Sneezing/blowing nose Painting nails Shaving Writing Listening/Playing music Unlocking doors