Comma Splices & Run-On Sentences - What is a comma splice? - What is a run-on (fused) sentence? - Six ways to fix comma splices & run-ons.


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Presentation transcript:

Comma Splices & Run-On Sentences - What is a comma splice? - What is a run-on (fused) sentence? - Six ways to fix comma splices & run-ons

What is a comma splice? A comma splice is a sentence with at least two independent clauses joined only by a comma No conjunction or proper transition separate the independent clauses

What is a run-on sentence? A run-on sentence is a sentence with at least two independent clauses that doesn’t have a comma, making it difficult for readers to tell where one clause ends and the next one begins. I just keeps going and going and going and going and going... Also called a fused sentence.

examples INDEPENDENT CLAUSES The boy walked to school. He arrived at 9:00 a.m. Sarah needed to go to the grocery store. She had to buy eggs to make breakfast.

examples written as COMMA SPLICES The boy walked to school, he arrived at 9:00 a.m. Sarah needed to go to the grocery store, she had to buy eggs to make breakfast.

examples written as RUN-ON SENTENCES The boy walked to school he arrived at 9:00 a.m. Sarah needed to go to the grocery store she had to buy eggs to make breakfast.

correcting sentence boundary errors… SIX WAYS TO FIX Comma Splices & Run-on (Fused) Sentences

#1 Join the two clauses with semi-colon (;), transitional expression, and a comma (,) Comma splices and run-on sentences often occur when clauses are linked with a connecting or transitional word or expression like as a result, for example, in addition, in other words, or on the contrary, or a conjunctive adverb like however, consequently, moreover, nevertheless, etc.

#1 continued In this situation, a transitional expression or conjunctive adverb connects the two complete ideas (the two independent clauses). These kinds of comma splices and run-ons an be corrected by using semi-colons (;) to connect the two clauses and a comma (,) to follow the transitional expression: independent clause + ; + transitional expression/conjunctive adverb +, + independent clause.

#1 examples CS: Rare books can be extremely valuable, for example, an original edition of Audubon’s Birds of America is worth thousands of dollars. RO: Rare books can be extremely valuable for example an original edition of Audubon’s Birds of America is worth thousands of dollars. Correct: Rare books can be extremely valuable; for example, an original edition of Audubon’s Birds of America is worth thousands of dollars.

#1 examples CS: The couple was going to get married in the winter, however, they changed their minds and decided to move the wedding date to the summer when more people would be able to attend. RO: The couple was going to get married in the winter however they changed their minds and decided to move the wedding date to the summer when more people would be able to attend. Correct: The couple was going to get married in the winter; however, they changed their minds and decided to move the wedding date to the summer when more people would be able to attend.

#1 examples CS: The teachers did not like the new textbooks, nevertheless, they did their best to use the books in their classes. RO: The teachers did not like the new textbooks nevertheless they did their best to use the books in their classes. Correct: The teachers did not like the new textbooks; nevertheless, they did their best to use the books in their classes.

#2 Join the two clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) Just be sure to choose the conjunction that best expresses the relationship between the two clauses

#2 examples CS: John is a very stubborn person, I had a hard time convincing him to let me drive. RO: John is a very stubborn person I had a hard time convincing him to let me drive. Correct: John is a very stubborn person, so I had a hard time convincing him to let me drive.

#2 examples CS: My teacher had a very busy schedule, she also had no office where we could meet. RO: My teacher had a very busy schedule she also had no office where we could meet. Correct: My teacher had a very busy schedule, and she also had no office where we could meet.

#3 Join the two clauses with a semi-colon (;) A semi-colon is used when two clauses are logically or closely connected to each other—so much so that the writer doesn’t want to separate them into two distinct sentences.

#3 examples CS: Most students complied with the policy, a few refused to do so. RO: Most students complied with the policy a few refused to do so. Correct: Most students complied with the policy; a few refused to do so.

#3 examples CS: My mother is an accountant, my brother inherited her talents and is now also an accountant. RO: My mother is an accountant my brother inherited her talents and is now also an accountant. Correct: My mother is an accountant; my brother inherited her talents and is now also an accountant.

#3 continued However, a semi-colon doesn’t always explain the connection, and you might need a c connecting or transitional word or conjunctive adverb to make the connection clear. Correct: Most students complied with the new policy; however, a few refused. Correct: My mother is an accountant; indeed, my brother inherited her talents and is now also an accountant.

#3 continued A connecting word or conjunctive adverb is followed by a comma when it appears that the beginning of the second clause (as shown above), but can also appear in the middle of the clause, set off by commas, or at the end, preceded by a comma. Most students complied with the policy; a few refused to do so, however. Most students complied with the policy; a few, however, refused to do so. My mother is an accountant; my brother inherited her talents and, indeed, is now also an accountant. My mother is an accountant; my brother inherited her talents and is now also an accountant, indeed.

#3 continued When the first independent clause introduces or expands on the second one, you can use a colon instead of a semi- colon. Professor Johnson then revealed his most important point: the paper would count for half of my grade.

#4 Separate the clauses into two sentences The simplest way to correct comma splices and run-on sentences is to turn the two clauses into separate sentences.

#4 examples Incorrect: I realized that it was time to choose either I had to learn how to drive, or I had to move back to the city. Correct: I realized that it was time to choose. Either I had to learn how to drive, or I had to move back to the city.

#4 examples Incorrect: Globalization is apparent in different ways cultural and economic influences are the easiest to identify. Correct: Globalization is apparent in different ways. Cultural and economic influences are the easiest to identify.

#5 Turn one of the clauses into a dependent clause Dependent clauses cannot stand alone; they further explain the subject of the main clause. Dependent clauses also begin with a subordinating word like although, because, that, unless, which, or while.

#5 examples Incorrect: Most students complied with the new policy, however a few refused to do so. Correct: Although most students complied with the new policy, a few refused to do so.

#5 examples Incorrect: Canadians are generally liberal people, they tend to be more conservative than Americans on some issues. Correct: While Canadians are generally liberal people, they tend to be more conservative than Americans on some issues.

#6 Transform the two clauses into a single clear and correct independent clause.

#6 examples Incorrect: I realized that it was time to choose, I had to learn how to drive or I had to move back to the city. Correct: I realized that it was time to learn how to drive or move back to the city.

#6 examples Sometimes you can change one of the clauses to a phrase and put it next to the word it modifies Incorrect: Baseball cards are an obsession among some collectors, the cards were first printed in the nineteenth century. Correct: Baseball cards, first printed in the nineteenth century, are an obsession among some collectors.

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