C3 Ratings Commercial-to-program retention—any surprises? Nick at Nite: 95.69% Hallmark Channel: 94.03% The Weather Channel: 92.7% Cartoon Network: 92.30% ESPN: 91.22% CBS: 88.12%
Content Wraps Saatchi, Zenith and Toyota partnered with The CW Network, D.C. Comics, and Warner-Brothers Studios to develop a customized experience 11-3
The Core Concepts 8-4 Reach: % of audience exposed at least once. Frequency: # of times a person sees it, on average. Effective reach: % of people who’ve seen it 3+ times (or more). Frequency distribution: Exactly how many see how often.
3-*** Who am I?
Repeat it, repeat it, repeat it. 8-7 What media concept is Mr. Evans a fan of?
Because frequency is an average …it can be misleading 11-8
Frequency Distribution QuintileFrequency Top 20%30 20% Bottom 20% 1
Frequency Distribution QuintileFrequency Top 20%30 20% Bottom 20% 1
Principle T here will always be some wastage at the top and bottom. Your job is to minimize it.
GRP’s Gross rating points--Weight/Tonnage Add all the ratings of all programs Easier way: Reach X Frequency Plan has a reach of 60% Plan has an average frequency of 5 Total GRP’s=? 11-12
CPM Cost X 1000/Audience Cost per thousand Ad cost=$1,000 Audience=100,000HH CPM=?
3-*** Worksheet Practice 11-14
Scheduling Strategies Timing strategies: When to advertise? Seasonality, holidays, days of the week, time of day Lead time: time between thinking about purchase and purchasing; also refers to production time to get an ad in a medium Duration: How long? Advertisers can’t afford to cover the entire year If the period is too short, the message may not have sufficient impact If the period is too long, the ads may suffer from wearout Continuity: How often? How advertising is spread out over the length of the campaign Continuous strategy spreads ads evenly over campaign period
Scheduling Strategies Flighting strategy Alternating periods of intense advertising activity (bursts) and no advertising (hiatus). Pulsing strategy Advertising is intensified (peaks) before an aperture and reduced to lower levels (valleys) until the aperture reopens; bursts of activity.
Where to spend your money. Geography CDI: Category Development Index % of sales/% of population BDI: Brand Development Index: % of brand sales/% of population 11-17
IF… There is a CDI of 122 and you have a BDI of 87, what does it mean? There is a CDI of 95, and you have a BDI of 116, what does it mean? Should you spend more money (“heavy up”) in high or low BDI markets? 11-18
3-*** Some Final Thoughts on Broadcast
Back to the Future 8-21 The Wonderful World of Disney Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
8-22 Bewitched Chevrolet Bewitched Quaker
Product Placement 8-23
Product Placement vs. Product Payment 8-24
Media Industry Trends Engagement The captivating quality of media to grab and hold attention. Brand Touch Points Merchandising and co-op Video Snippet Hasbro sends one cohesive message through several media to drive sales.
Branded Content-Absolut 8-26
3-*** 11-27
The Media Budget The size of the budget greatly affects media decisions Local vs. national TV vs. radio At the end of the planning process, the media planner develops a pie chart showing media allocations 11-28
IMC Media and Contact Point Planning IMC considers all important brand contact points, not just traditional mass media and advertising. See for a list Contact Point Planning Identify a wide variety of contact points for achieving goals Implement integrated communication programs that eliminate waste 11-29
Global Media Strategies Global media do not currently exist. Advertisers must deal with different networks and different vehicles in different countries. Despite regional limitations, satellite television gives advertisers the opportunity to deliver unified messages across continents. North American, European, Asian, and Latin American cable companies offer international networks
11-31 Major Sections of a Media Plan Objectives Strategic plan development: consumer insights Key media strategies
The Central Role of Media Research 11-34
Functions of a Media Buyer 11-35
3-*** Creative Execution Assignment and Rubric 11-36
Media Planning Trends Unbundling Media Planning and Buying Agencies media departments have become separate, independent profit centers and can work for the agencies’ competition, and compete with agencies for the planning function. Online Media Buying Goggle's Adwords and eBay’s Media Marketplace are selling Internet advertising online. Zimmerman (advertising agency) sells advertising online for a number of media including print, radio, direct mail, in-store ads, and the Internet. New Forms of Media Research Online media research (hits and clicks) don’t measure impact. Traditional media monitoring systems don’t address new ways media is used and systems like TiVo and interactive TV. Most media research measures independent media, not the effectiveness of combined media
11-38 Google AdWords Visit the Site With Google AdWords, you create your own ads and choose keywords (words or phrases related to your business). When people search on Google using one of those keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. People can then click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you.
11-39 eBay Media Marketplace Visit the Site Called “A New Approach to Offline Advertising,” The eBay Media Marketplace offers advertisers a place to make planned buys in the national cable TV market and last-minute buys on radio in all 300 top U.S. radio markets.