Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery Information session for Practice Education Facilitator posts Lesley Barrowman
Infrastructure to Support Learning in Practice The DHSSPS convened a working group to discuss the need for an infrastructure in HSC Trusts to support learning and assessment in practice. The group reported in May 2007.
Infrastructure to Support Learning in Practice HSC Trusts work in partnership to develop organisational wide infrastructures to ensure consistency in the management of all aspects of practice placement experience
Infrastructure to Support Learning in Practice The DHSSPS is funding the implementation of an infrastructure of Practice Education Co-ordinator for each Trust supported by a team of Practice Education Facilitators
Infrastructure to Support Learning in Practice A robust and effective performance management framework is developed and maintained that will ensure arrangements are in place to meet NMC standards to support learning and assessment in practice across a variety of care settings
Infrastructure to Support Learning in Practice The PEF’s will: provide leadership for education and learning needs ensure systems are in place to teach, supervise and assess students and support mentors, sign off mentors and practice teachers assure the quality of practice placements provide liaison between service and education programme providers
NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice 2008
New framework Developed to assure the NMC that students undertaking programmes have been supported and provided with appropriate supervision and assessment of competency by practitioners with the necessary knowledge and competence Implemented for students who commence programmes from 1 September 2007
Responsibilities of Trusts Ensure mentors and practice teachers are prepared for their role through an NMC approved programme and ensure sign-off mentors meet required standards Maintain an up to date register of mentors, sign off mentors and practice teachers, Make provision for annual updating in collaboration with education providers Ensure triennial review of mentors/practice teachers takes place (Appraisal of competence) Ensure access to support and supervision for mentors and practice teachers
Responsibilities of Trusts contn. 40% of student’s time is supervised directly or indirectly by a mentor/practice teacher Mentor/practice teacher requires time with the student to engage in learning activities Final period of practice learning - one hour per week with sign off mentor in addition to above Mentor will have access to sign off mentor/practice teacher for support where students are failing SEE RESPONSIBILITIES PAPER ON NIPEC WEB-SITE (NMC STANDARDS PROJECT)
Responsibilities of PEC post The overarching responsibility is to ensure that students are provided with a high quality practice learning experience that enables them to achieve specified outcomes.
Responsibilities of the PEF post Working with the PEC and a dedicated team of Practice Education Facilitators to ensure NMC standards are met in full.
Responsibilities of the PEF post The PEF will be required to have an in- depth understanding of matters relating to practice learning for students in their area of practice. They will also require to be able to work collaboratively with ward managers and team leaders, mentors and practice teachers to facilitate them in meeting NMC standards.
Responsibilities of the PEF post Some of these issues are: ensuring mentors and practice teachers meet NMC requirements for on-going competency ensuring mentors and practice teachers meet NMC requirements for on-going competency knowledge and understanding of nursing or midwifery programmes, pre and post-registration knowledge and understanding of nursing or midwifery programmes, pre and post-registration securing and maintaining effective practice learning environments for students securing and maintaining effective practice learning environments for students
Responsibilities of the PEF post Issues (cont’d) liaising with education providers liaising with education providers working with lead nurses and midwives across the Trust working with lead nurses and midwives across the Trust helping to secure and organising practice placements helping to secure and organising practice placements competence in assessment, including managing failing competence competence in assessment, including managing failing competence quality assurance of practice learning, including placement audit quality assurance of practice learning, including placement audit
Responsibilities of the PEF post Issues (cont’d) ensuring mentors, sign-off mentors and practice teachers are available to support and assess studentsensuring mentors, sign-off mentors and practice teachers are available to support and assess students helping to ensure data on local registers of mentors and practice teachers is accuratehelping to ensure data on local registers of mentors and practice teachers is accurate supporting mentors and practice teachers with their role in teaching and supervising in the practice settingsupporting mentors and practice teachers with their role in teaching and supervising in the practice setting
Responsibilities of the PEF post The overarching responsibility is to ensure that students are provided with a high quality practice learning experience that enables them to achieve specified outcomes.