1 Spartan Experience Questionnaire Selected Results Spring 1999 Office of Institutional Research September 1999 UNCG Planning Council September 22, 1999 The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
2 Spartan Experience Questionnaire Results Online at: Survey Instrument Response Rates by Schools and Departments Complete Responses to Individual Survey Items Custom Analysis (Ability to query all questions by gender, ethnicity, class, school, and department)
3 Response Rates Spring 1999 Undergraduate Population:9,282 Deliverable Sample:1,901 Survey Respondents: 873 Respondents as a % of Deliverable Sample % Freshmen (N=210) % Sophomores (N=209) % Juniors (N=226) % Seniors (N=228) %
4 SEQ Content/Available Data The Eight Sections of the SEQ Collect Data on: 1. Background Information 2. Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education 3. Learning Environment 4. General Education Outcomes 5. Student Support Services 6. UNCG Environment - (Student-Centeredness, Marketing Themes) 7. Technology/Computing Environment 8. Overall Conclusions
5 Type of School Attended Prior to Entering UNCG High School % Entered from H.S. by Class: Fr % Jr % So % Sn % Transferred to UNCG % (From Community or Junior College %) (From 4-Year College or University %) Other - 3.4%
6 How Much do Students Work Per Week? 28% Do Not Work at All 55% Work 30 Hrs. or Less 17% Work More Than 30 Hrs.
7 Where Do Students Live? u Almost 35% currently live on campus u Around 15% live within walking distance u Just over 21% live within a 15 minute or less drive u A little over 29% commute 16 or more minutes u 57% have lived on campus at some point. u 83% of students who entered as new freshman have lived in residence halls at some point. u 21% of students who transferred to UNCG have lived in residence halls at some point.
8 Parental Support & Financial Aid u 39.3% of Parents Pay Almost None of Student’s Expenses u 35.7% of Parents Pay Almost All of Student’s Expenses u 54.4% Receive Financial Aid
9 How successful has the UNCG community been in providing opportunities to interact with or learn from people who are from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds?
10 How often have you interacted with persons from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds? Note: Percent responding “very often” or “often”.
11 Which Source do you Utilize Most to Find Information about: “Campus Activities”
12 Which Source do you Utilize Most to Find Information about: “UNCG Cultural Events”
13 Which Source do you Utilize Most to Find Information about: “Deadlines for Registration”
14 Which Source do you Utilize Most to Find Information about: “UNCG Intercollegiate Athletic Events”
15 Student-Centeredness At UNCG Note: Percent responding “very much” or “quite a bit”.
16 UNCG Marketing Themes Note: Percent responding “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree”.
17 General Education Outcomes Note: Percent responding that they have gained or made progress “very much” or “quite a bit” from their experiences at UNCG.
18 Do you presently own a computer? When did you purchase your computer? Prior to attending UNCG % Within 1st year at UNCG % Within 2 years at UNCG - 5.9% After 2 years at UNCG - 6.4% Computer Ownership 65.7% - with aid own computers 73.6% - without aid own computers
19 What was the main reason you purchased a computer?
20 How do you most often access UNCG’s web, , UNCGenie and other Internet sites?
21 How frequently do you use the following technology applications? Note: Percent responding “very often” or “often”.
22 Note: Percent responding “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree”. Computing at UNCG
23 Note: Percent responding “excellent” or “good”. Quality of Instruction and Sense of Community at UNCG
24 How Would you Evaluate the Sense of Community at UNCG? 67% 64% 54% 51%
25 Note: Percent responding “very strong” or “strong”. Intellectual Environment and Overall Education at UNCG
26 Percent Who Would Choose to Attend UNCG Again Class (% yes): Fr. - 72% So. - 63% Jr. - 64% Sn. - 66% Gender (% yes): Female - 67% Male - 65% Ethnicity (% yes): Black - 62% White - 68% Entry Status (% yes): Entered from H.S. - 66% Transferred - 68%