King George County Schools Technology
Technology Staff Supervisor of Technology –Dan Hopper Network Engineer –Dana Reed Systems Specialist –Andy Thomas Technology Repair Technician –Daniel Palmateer
Instructional Technology Liaisons
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Utilities Tab
Staff Technology Trouble Ticket
Network Storage
H Drive Personal storage space Limit 750 mb Only accessible to user Deleted at the end of the school year
S Drive Share Drive Accessible to students and teachers Staff Only folder visible to staff only Share drive deleted at end of 1 st and 2 nd semester Save work in folder
M Drive Media Drive Save images, sounds, movies Files can be deleted by other teachers
Flash Drives
Changing Your GroupWise Password
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Privacy Vault Archives ALL sent and received Privacy Vault only accessible from school Click “Continue to this website” after login screen Use your Novell login (NOT GroupWise)
GWAVA Digest
GroupWise Messenger
GroupWise Webmail
KGCS Employee Forms
KGCS Secure Site
High volume printing
Bookmark Favorites
Professional Development Technology 5 Hours General Hours 5 Hours Your Choice 5 Technology OR 5 General 15 Hours Total
Follow Up Summer Institute Classes 3 One Hour Building Classes Online Technology Classes Pre-Approved Classes
Describe your lesson in detail (Minimum 50 words) What did your students learn from this lesson? How did this enhance their 21 st century learning skills? What would you recommend to other teachers who choose to use this with their students? Face to Face Blog OR
Teacher Websites
Technology Portfolios Did you graduate from a Virginia college or university after 1988? Do you have a “Technology Standards Met” statement on your Virginia Teaching License? Do you have a copy of a certificate of completion from another Virginia county school system?
Virginia Computer Standards of Learning
Technology integration as opposed to teaching technology skills in isolation
Technology Integration that Engages Students With: Creativity Collaboration Communication Creating Real World Examples Challenging 21 st Century Learners
Internet Content Filtering
Warning Message
Access Denied
Acceptable Technology Use All employees must sign the AUP Students must sign and return the AUP to have computer privileges Teachers must enforce the AUP in classrooms Monitoring is crucial KGCS has legal right to review any
Photo Opt-Out Returned if the parent/guardian DOES NOT want their child’s name or photograph included in school publications, websites, news articles.
Internet Safety
Technology Resources
Changing the way you “C” technology