Preparedness through Partnership & Collaboration Emily Fortman Regional Director, Preparedness & Community Engagement American Red Cross Western Washington Chapters
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. We are guided by fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. Red Cross Mission
Economists estimate that every $1 spent on preparedness saves $7 in response It saves lives and property It empowers individuals and communities It furthers your reach and increases your impact 47% of Western Washington survey respondents agree it is very important to be prepared The Importance of Preparedness
More than 55% of respondents feel unprepared Less than half of respondents do not have a plan Most people have pets and consider them family members A little bit of fear can be motivating; too much is disabling Strongest motivator to being prepared: previously experienced an emergency situation or disaster #1 reason for not being prepared: “had not thought about it” Research Findings
Preparedness initiative to better prepare 1,000,000 individuals in the greater Puget Sound area Three-four year initiative Investing in preparedness saves money during response and recovery phases Priority for American Red Cross, locally and nationally Similar campaigns in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, and St. Louis Safe in the Sound (SITS)
Create or grow relationships with emergency management and public health officials Promote action among vulnerable populations Make preparedness “cool,” the norm Don’t duplicate efforts Be culturally competent Preparedness Priorities
Any individual, group, or community whose circumstances create barriers to obtaining or understanding information, and/or to access and use the resources offered before, during and after a disaster event. Circumstances that may create barriers include, but are not limited to age; physical, mental, emotional, or cognitive status; culture; ethnicity; religion; language; citizenship; location; or socioeconomic status. Vulnerable Populations Defined Vulnerable Populations Operations Workgroup, 2012
Partner with organizations serving vulnerable or underserved populations Recruit volunteers and staff from diverse backgrounds; hire bilingual disaster educators Communicate with and include leaders of cultural and ethnic groups in planning and mitigating Educate children from vulnerable neighborhoods Strategies
Effective way to reach vulnerable populations Think outside of the box; ask the right questions Provide preparedness training to organizational staff, volunteers, and clients Be inclusive Create a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Partnership
Similar geographical footprint Similar objectives/mission Vested interest in preparedness Comprehensive reach in community Works with multiple target populations Ability to change demand for your services (policy level, leverage, grant funders) “We’re stronger together than individually” The Ideal Partner
Habitat for Humanity Catholic Housing Services King County Housing Authority Seattle Housing Authority El Centro de la Raza & Casa Latina Goodwill Industries Hopelink International Rescue Committee Lighthouse for the Blind Nonprofit Partners
Cross train emergency management staff Follow up with disaster clients (i.e. house fires, localized flooding) Emphasize importance of ALL phases of emergency management Focus efforts equally on preparedness and response Collaboration
American Red Cross Language Bank City and county emergency management Public health coalitions, medical reserve corps FEMA (PPD-8) Partner Resources
Preparedness is as important as response Create a culture of preparedness at home, in the workplace, throughout the community Tap into relationships with community leaders Focus on the most vulnerable populations Conclusion
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Thank you! Emily Fortman