TOWARDS MONITORING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BCCSAP Ahsan Uddin Ahmed Executive Director, Centre for Global Change (CGC) Convener, CSRL Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals
Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 The BCCSAP (revised) highlights the adaptation as well as low carbon development responses of GOB to climate change related challenges (MOEF, 2009). There are 44 programmes, 28 of those have specific relevance to adaptation. The programmatic approach to adaptation is organized under four major issues: (a) food security, social protection and health, (b) comprehensive disaster management, (c) infrastructure, and (d) research and knowledge management. The fifth major issue (capacity building and institutional strengthening) also has elements on adaptation
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 The programmatic approach to adaptation focuses interventions in all tiers of governance system. The primary emphasis is on institutionally driven adaptation. However, the importance of community based adaptation (CBA) and emergency responses are also being considered under the BCCSAP. All the adaptation modalities involving local communities find direct relevance with the provisions created by the BCCSAP. BCCSAP also provides for justification of the projects highlighted in NAPA.
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 NGO-driven CBA approach: livelihoods enhancement, especially through diversification of agriculture and adopting alternative production system in changed hydro-geophysical conditions, and small scale disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts CBA looks for adaptation opportunities in ecosystem based production system, with primary focus on spreading the perceived risk, rather than taking strong meso- as well as macro-scale DRR-based risk prevention modalities. The BCCSAP creates opportunity to plan for a combination of the two distinctly different approaches to adaptation.
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 Monitoring checklist Where are we placing our available finance? Mitigation or Adaptation? Where are we placing our adaptation finance? What kind of priorities are set in BCCSAP? Are we following such prioritization? How the selection is finalized? Any checklist being approved? Who did it? Regarding projects with same priority, what kind of optimization scheme is being followed? Who are the beneficiaries? Direct? Indirect?
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 What are the outcome indicators towards selection of an investment-worthy project? Have those been made public? What are the current institutional capacity to steer the process? Poverty responsive? Gender sensitive? Replicable? Augmenting community efforts?
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 Media/CSO involvement What is being offered? Investigative journalism: unearthing realities CSOs: engagement in public debates Access to information: critical link Informing the polity: researching, publicizing, advocating, and campaigning
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 Monitoring the ground level activities Adequate understanding and capacity? Re-labelling the old stuff in new bottle? Difference between BAU-DRR and DRR-CCA? Any integration with local level governance and planning? Any chance of mal-adaptation? Are there check-valves in place? Are there winners and losers? Requiring extra efforts for an identified group to benefit from? Any chance of exclusion of one group or the other?
Workshop on Monitoring Climate Financing for Media Professionals Towards Monitoring the Implementation of BCCSAPAhsan Uddin Ahmed, Koitta 12 March 2011 THANK YOU