EIE and ESG Presented by Wenwen Li and Danqing Xiao Wenwen Li, Danqing Xiao, Rob Raskin, Rahul xxx, Phil Yang, Marge Cole, Myra Bambacus GMU, NASA, ESIP April-21th-2007 AAG Spatial Web Portals for Supporting Sharing of Earth Science Information
Table of Content Introduction Introduction Objectives Objectives Architecture Architecture Key Technologies Key Technologies Prototype Prototype Ongoing Ongoing Conclusion and Discussion Conclusion and Discussion
Introduction (1) Problems in Earth Science Data Sharing and Accessing Problems in Earth Science Data Sharing and Accessing Large amount of data Large amount of data Poorly cataloged Poorly cataloged Widely dispersed Widely dispersed Difficult to access Difficult to access Motivation: Motivation: Users’ perspective: Users’ perspective: -Fast access and acquisition of Earth Science Data Professionals’ perspective: Professionals’ perspective: -Data integration and sharing -Efficient spatial data management -Efficient spatial data management Decision Makers’ perspective: Decision Makers’ perspective: -Models and accurate Predictions for future decision making.
Introduction (2) EIE: Earth Information Exchange EIE: Earth Information Exchange Developed from the joint effort of NASA,ESIP,GMU Developed from the joint effort of NASA,ESIP,GMU Present data, Products and Services Present data, Products and Services Integral and timely exchange of earth science information Integral and timely exchange of earth science information Support 12 national applications: Support 12 national applications: Air Quality, Public Health, Carbon Management Water Management, Ecological Forecasting, Disaster Management, Agriculture, Aviation Safety, Homeland Security, Invasive Species
Objectives Interoperable and Integrative Earth Science data management Platform Interoperable and Integrative Earth Science data management Platform Interoperable Interoperable Plug and Play (OGC) Plug and Play (OGC) Reduce development cost Reduce development cost Reduce development duplication (avoid one-in- a-kind) Reduce development duplication (avoid one-in- a-kind) Integrative Integrative Integrate Current Resources from Integrate Current Resources from NASA ESG, ESIP EIE, GMU Computing NASA ESG, ESIP EIE, GMU Computing
Current Resources Earth-Science Gateway (ESG) Earth-Science Gateway (ESG) Interoperability: metadata, data, mapping, portlet level Interoperability: metadata, data, mapping, portlet level Spatial Information Retrieval Model Supporting Semantic Search Spatial Information Retrieval Model Supporting Semantic Search NOESIS by Univ. of Alabama at Huntsville NOESIS by Univ. of Alabama at Huntsville Computing Platform Computing Platform GMU’s grid system GMU’s grid system
Key Technologies (1) Portal and Portlet Portal and Portlet JSR168 JSR168 Standards for communication between portal and portlet containers Standards for communication between portal and portlet containers CSW, Z39.50 CSW, Z39.50 client server protocol for searching and retrieving information from remote computer databases. Liferay client server protocol for searching and retrieving information from remote computer databases. Liferay client serverprotocolcomputer client serverprotocolcomputer Spatial Web Services Spatial Web Services OGC WMS,WFS,WCS … OGC WMS,WFS,WCS … Portal Container Portal Container Liferay, JBOSS portal, Apache JetSpeed portal…. Liferay, JBOSS portal, Apache JetSpeed portal….
Key Technologies (2) Ontology and Semantic Search Ontology and Semantic Search Extended SWEET Ontology Extended SWEET Ontology SWEET: Thing Nuclei … Phenomena Earth Science Phenomena Atmospheric Phenomena Air quality Ecological Phenomena Fire Solid earth phenomena Volcanic activity Weather Phenomena ③ Inversion cause air pollution ① Fires will cause dramatic change of local air quality ② Volcanic eruptions influence at local/global scale ① ② ③
Ontology-based Semantic Search Tools -Inference Service (1) SOAP-based web service -Pellet: (1) Tableaux Algorithm (2) T-box, A-box reasoning
Prototype (1)
EIE Structure (Air Quality)
Prototype (2)- Air Quality
Prototype (3)-Map Client
Ongoing –Semantic Search
Conclusion and Discussion Importance of EIE Importance of EIE Provide efficient and integral access Provide efficient and integral access Expendable and flexible Architecture Expendable and flexible Architecture The utilization of search tools The utilization of search tools Future directions Future directions Portlet development of semantic search Portlet development of semantic search Provide operational version of EIE to both general public and professionals. Provide operational version of EIE to both general public and professionals.
Thanks and Questions. Thanks and Questions.
Acknowledgments We appreciate the assistance of Dean Younger, Dave Omeney from Compusult ltd, Canada; Rahul, Sunil from UAH; Bin Zhou from GMU. We appreciate the assistance of Dean Younger, Dave Omeney from Compusult ltd, Canada; Rahul, Sunil from UAH; Bin Zhou from GMU. Sponsor : NASA Sponsor : NASA Collaborator : ESIP Clusters, Compusult Inc., Government Agencies Collaborator : ESIP Clusters, Compusult Inc., Government Agencies