Welcome INCOSE Orlando September 15, 2005
Welcome Guests Sign-in Sheet Sign-in Sheet Welcome Packets Welcome Packets Welcome Space Coast and Central Florida Chapters to the first-ever(?) Florida State Regional Chapter Meeting Welcome Space Coast and Central Florida Chapters to the first-ever(?) Florida State Regional Chapter Meeting
Minutes Chapter Meeting IS2005 INCOSE is shifting the fiscal year to align to the annual calendar. This means that a financial report, covering the period from May – December, 2005, will be required at the end of INCOSE is shifting the fiscal year to align to the annual calendar. This means that a financial report, covering the period from May – December, 2005, will be required at the end of Linking from the main INCOSE Members Only area into a chapters secure area – is still on the plan but no action to date. Linking from the main INCOSE Members Only area into a chapters secure area – is still on the plan but no action to date.
–MB will be sending a survey to chapter leadership to help gather data on why individuals do not renew. –Show of hands indicated that 7 or 8 chapters do some form of exit survey with non-renewing members. Becky Matz, Membership Chair is working on an exit survey. Becky Matz, Membership Chair is working on an exit survey. –Discussion on the value of the awards as a template for running a chapter Orlando Chapter BOD approved additional awards Orlando Chapter BOD approved additional awards
Call for Officers and BODs If you would like to run for office or would like to nominate someone who has given you permission to do so, please advise If you would like to run for office or would like to nominate someone who has given you permission to do so, please advise Chapter bylaws state member organizations with 6 or more members get an automatic seat on the BOD. For , these organizations are: Chapter bylaws state member organizations with 6 or more members get an automatic seat on the BOD. For , these organizations are: SAIC SAIC Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training, & Support Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training, & Support Northrop Grumman Laser Systems Northrop Grumman Laser Systems
Approval of Bylaws Change as amended August 10, 2005 BYLAW IX - NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS SECTION 3. The Officers and Directors shall serve for one year; the term of office to begin at the first INCOSE Orlando Chapter meeting held after 1 January. SECTION 4. The Directors shall serve for a two year term, the term of office to begin at the first INCOSE Orlando Chapter meeting held after 1 January. Membership Voting – Members Only
Upcoming Tutorial Full Day Workshop Thursday, November 3, 2005, 8:00am – 5:00pm SAIC, Science Drive, Orlando, Florida Registration/Sign-In Begins at 7:30am Ricardo Valerdi, Lean Aerospace Initiative at MIT
Upcoming Chapter Meetings October 20 th October 20 th –Value Based Project Selection Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Institute (PMI) Presenter: Dr. James T. Brown Presenter: Dr. James T. Brown Nov 17 th Nov 17 th December 15 th - Holiday Chapter Meeting December 15 th - Holiday Chapter Meeting –New Officers and BOD announcements, awards night, prizes, special events January 19 th – Meeting location: LMSTS January 19 th – Meeting location: LMSTS
Launch of New On-Line Job Bank Sponsor and ambassador definitions will be posted Sponsor and ambassador definitions will be posted Announcement forthcoming in September E-News Announcement forthcoming in September E-News