National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 1 GARUDA National Grid Computing Initiative N. Mohan Ram Chief Investigator.


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Presentation transcript:

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 1 GARUDA National Grid Computing Initiative N. Mohan Ram Chief Investigator – GARUDA 9 th February 2006 Kolkatta

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 2 Presentation Outline Overview Technologies and Research Initiatives Communication Fabric Resources Partners Applications

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 3 Project Overview Precursor to the National Grid Computing Initiative – Test Bed for the grid technology/concepts and applications – Provide inputs for the main grid proposal Major Deliverables – Technologies, Architectures, Standards & Research Initiatives – Nation-wide high-speed communication fabric – Aggregation of Grid Resources – Deployment of Select applications of National Importance – Grid Strategic User Group

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 4 Technologies, Architectures, Standards and Research Initiatives

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 5 Deliverables Technologies – Garuda Component Architecture & Deployment – Access Portal – Problem Solving Environments – Collaborative Environments – Program Development Environments – Management and Monitoring – Middleware and Security – Resource Management and Scheduling – Data Management – Clustering Technologies Research Initiatives – Integrated Development Environments – Resource Brokers & Meta Schedulers – Mobile Agent Framework – Semantic Grid Services (MIT Chennai) – Network Simulation

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 6 Garuda Component Architecture

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 7

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 8 Garuda Resource Deployment (at C-DAC centres) AIX Cluster Shared User Space Shared Data Space Linux Cluster Bangalore Solaris Cluster Linux Cluster Shared User Space Shared Data Space Pune Chennai Hyderabad Resource Manager for Grids Linux Cluster Resource Manager for Grids Garuda Access Portal Other Users Pune Users End Users access the grid through the Garuda Access Portal High Availability High Availability Resource Manager for Grids High Availability High Availability Resource Manager for Grids Bangalore Users

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 9 Garuda Access Portal Addresses the usability challenges of the Grid Supports submission of parallel and sequential jobs Support for Accounting Integration with Grid Scheduler under progress

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 10 Collaborative Environments Enable Collaborative environment for the Grid developers, users/partners. Will facilitate development team meetings and collaborative project design/progress reviews IP based video conferencing over the high speed communication Fabric Initial Target : Enable all centres of C-DAC participating in the Garuda development & deployment to collaborate through video conferencing Also exploring Access Grid environment

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 11 Program Development Environment Enable users to carry out entire program development life cycle for the Grid DIViA for the Grid Features – Supports MPICH-G2 debugging – Communication and computational statistics in different graphical formats – Identification of potential bottlenecks – Unique method of tracing, leads to enhanced information with reduced log file size Debugger in Design Phase

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 12 Management and Monitoring Monitors status & utilization of the Grid components : compute, network, softwares etc. Used by System Administrators and end users Being deployed at the Grid Monitoring and Management Centre(GMMC) User friendly interface

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 13 Middleware & Security Deployed using Globus Toolkit, Commercial and C-DAC developed components – GT2 for operational requirements – GT4 for research projects Resource Management and Scheduling – Moab from Cluster Resources for Grid Scheduling – Local Scheduling using Load Leveler for AIX Clusters and Torque for Solaris and Linux Clusters Data Management – Storage Resource Broker from Nirvana for Data Grid functionalities

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 14 Resource Management and Scheduling Grid Scheduler from Cluster Resources – Industry Leading Scheduler – Components include Moab Workload Manager, Moab Grid Scheduler and Moab Cluster Manager – Integrates with Globus – Data Management through GASS and GridFTP – Job staging with GRAM/Gatekeeper services – User management through Globus user mapping files – Security through X509-based client authentication Grid Scheduler Features – Intelligent Data Staging – Co-Allocation & Multi-Sourcing – Service Monitoring and Management – Sovereignty (Local vs. Central Management Policies) – Virtual Private Cluster and Virtual Private Grid Local Resource Managers – Load Leveler on AIX – Torque on Solaris/Linux clusters

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 15 Wide Area Grid Administrator: Sets policies and manages via Cluster Manager for his or her own cluster and via Grid Resource Manager for Grid policies End Users: (In Multiple User Spaces) Submit jobs via Garuda Grid Access Portal Globus User Space 1 User Space 2 User Space N Grid FTP Grid Resource Manager Interacts with Grid FTP to Stage Data to each of the Clusters Grid Resource Manager Leverages the Security and Access Control provided in Globus Grid Resource Manager

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 16 Local Area Grid (C-DAC Bangalore) Administrators: Sets policies and manages via Moab Cluster Manager Moab Cluster Manager Moab Cluster Manager: Acts as the Interface, using wizards and forms to improve ease of use and to unify interface to Workload and Resource Managers Garuda Access Portal End Users: (In a Single User Space) Submit jobs via web form Interface Single User Space Moab Workload Manager Solaris Cluster Head Node Torque Moab Workload Manager: Enforces policies, monitors workload and controls submissions through resource manager Load Leveler Torque Linux Cluster Head Node AIX Cluster Head Node ….. Unified Data Space ….. OS and Communication

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 17 Data Management Enable data-oriented applications via an integrated but distributed storage and data management infrastructure Requirements – Heterogeneous Data Access across Multiple Locations – Data Security – Reliability and Consistency of Data – Support for Unified Namespace and Multiple File Systems – Optimal turn-around for Data Access – Parallel I/O – Bulk Operations – Intelligent Resource Selection and Data Routing – Latency Minimization – Vertical and Horizontal Scalability Garuda Data Grid – Storage Resource Broker from Nirvana

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 18 Clustering Technologies Software – High Performance Compilers – Message Passing Libraries – Performance and Debugging Tools – I/O Libraries, Parallel File System – Cluster Management Software – Available for AIX, Solaris and Linux Clusters Hardware – 5Gbps SAN Technologies completed – Reconfigurable Computing Systems for bioinformatics & cryptanalysis under progress

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 19 Research Initiatives Resource Broker – Standards are yet to be formulated – Match the user requirements with the available resources – Address co-allocation of computation and communication – Forecasting the availability of resources Grid IDE – Writing and enabling applications to exploit the Grid – Compiling/cross-compiling across different platforms – Seamless integration of complex functionalities – Support for multiple programming interfaces Semantic Grid Services (MIT, Chennai) – Publishing Grid Services – Intelligent discovery of Grid services – Integration with Garuda Portal Mobile Agent Framework – Monitoring of resources in the Grid – Grid software deployment and maintenance Network Simulation – Inputs for the next phase fabric architecture – To study impact of changes in traffic profile on the performance

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 20 Garuda Communication Fabric

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 21 Objectives & Deliverables Objective – Provide an ultra-high speed multi services communication fabric connecting user organizations across 17 cities in the country – Provide seamless & high speed access to the compute, data & other resources on the Grid – In Collaboration with ERNET Deliverables – High-speed Communication Fabric connecting 17 cities – Grid Management & Monitoring Centre – IP based Collaborative Environment among select centres

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 22 Fabric Connectivity

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 23 Features Ethernet based High Bandwidth capacity Scalable over entire geographic area High levels of reliability Fault tolerance and redundancy Interference resilience High security Effective Network Management

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 24 Grid Management & Monitoring Centre(GMMC) To provide an integrated Grid Resource Management & Monitoring Framework Network Traffic Analysis and Congestion Management Change and Configuration Management

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 25 Grid Resources

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 26 Objective and Deliverables Objective – Provide heterogeneous resources in the Grid including Compute, Data, Software and Scientific Instruments – Deploy Test facilitates for Grid related research and development activities Deliverables – Grid enablement of C-DAC resources at Bangalore and Pune – Aggregation of Partner Resources – Setting up of PoC Test Bed and Grid Labs at Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad and Chennai

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 27 Resources HPC Clusters & Storage from C-DAC – Bangalore : 128 CPU AIX Cluster,5 TB Storage – Pune : 64 CPU Solaris Cluster : 16 CPU Linux Cluster, 4 TB Storage – Chennai : 16 CPU Linux Cluster, 2 TB Storage – Hyderabad : 16 CPU Linux Cluster, 2 TB Storage – The proposed 5 TF system to be part of the Grid Satellite Terminals from SAC Ahmedabad 2 TF Computing Cycles from IGIB Delhi 32 way SMP from Univ. of Hyderabad 64 CPU cluster from MIT, Chennai 64 CPU cluster from PRL, Ahmedabad

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 28 Grid Partners

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 29 Motivation and Status Motivation – Setup a User Group to Collaborate on Research and Engineering of Technologies, Architectures, Standards and Applications in HPC and Grid Computing – To Contribute to the aggregation of resources in the Grid Current Status – 37 research & academic institutions in the 17 cities have agreed in principle to participate – ERNET-HQ in Delhi – 7 centres of C-DAC – Total of 45 institutions

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 30 Partner Participation  Institute of Plasma Research, Ahmedabad  Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad  Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad  Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad  Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad  Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore  Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore  Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh  Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh  Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai  Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai  Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 31 Partner Participation (Contd.)  Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi  Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi  Institute for Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi  Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati  Guwahati University, Guwahati  University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad  Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad  Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad  Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur  Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur  Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkatta  Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow  Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 32 Partner Participation (Contd.)  Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai  Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai  Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai  IUCCA, Pune  National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune  National Chemical Laboratory, Pune  Pune University, Pune  Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee  Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram  Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram  Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 33 Applications of Importance for PoC Garuda

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 34 Objectives and Deliverables Objectives – Enable applications of national importance requiring aggregation of geographically distributed resources Deliverables – Grid enablement of illustrative applications and some demonstrations such as – Bioinformatics – Disaster Management

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 35 Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Resources & Applications Facility (BRAF) on PARAM Padma Supports highly optimized Bioinformatics codes on the PARAM Padma Web computing portal providing all computational facility to solve related problems

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 36 Disaster Management PARAM Padma at Bangalore Flight data transmission from nearby Airport Grid Partner Resource at Pune User Agencies GRID Communication Fabric High Speed Communication User Agencies

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 37 Disaster Management (contd..) Requirements – Timely dissemination of disaster information to user agencies – Organize logistics around automated and secure work flow and data base Challenges – Widely spread application resources and types : disaster sensors, compute, application experts – Turn around time for the work flow

National Grid Computing Initiative - Garuda February 2006 C-DAC / Mohan Ram N 38 Thank you!