Presented by Patti Wyatt ESC 15 Back to School Conference 2011
QR Code You can scan my QR code with your smartphone or iphone and it will take you directly to my wiki. This PowerPoint is on my wiki. (The android app is QR droid and the iphone app is QRReader.) You can also go to to access the powerpoint. The powerpoint is also on slideshare: school-2011-pw school-2011-pw
What is “Cloud Computing?”
Isn't that a bad Windows promo? I think that’s where Google takes all your stuff and sells it on Ebay ! Aren't those things I draw on my meeting notes? Isn't that the new thing from Apple?
Google book about “The CloudGoogle book about “The Cloud” Video about “The Cloud”
Where does your information live? On your local hard drive (or flash drive, etc) On someone else's server/drive Some combination of the previous two
You mean someone else has my info!? Is that safe??? It’s still your data. Where do you think your data is stored for online banking? Remember, it’s your information anytime you want it as long as you have an internet connection.
Examples of Cloud Computing include: - Gmail (or Yahoo! or Hotmail or even Outlook Web Access) - DropBox/SugarSync - - Evernote - iCloud/CloudMe/iDisk
OK, are you listening? Provided by iStockphoto Microsoft PartneriStockphoto Cloud computing means you have access to your stuff. Whenever you want it, even if you aren't at YOUR computer. But wait! There's more!
What about software? Productivity- Online calendars Google Docs Zoho Docs Office 365 SlideShare SlideRocket Video- Animoto FlixTime Stupeflix Image editing- Picnik FotoFlexer LunaPic Pixlr Music- SoundCloud Google Music iCloud Amazon Cloud Drive Operating System- Joli Cloud CloudMe Peppermint Chrome OS And many, many more!
Great! So what? What if learning was not confined to a time or place? What if learning was available on-demand? What if you could work on a file in one class, access it on a different computer in another class, then work on it at home... without flash drives or re- downloading different files? What if the barriers to digital access were reduced dramatically?
So, do you want me to just spell it out? Sample workflow: Will starts in Tech Apps using Gaggle, a cloud-based productivity suite... Creates docs in Zoho docs, saves them to his digital locker, turns them in using the drop box. FROM HIS IPOD TOUCH.
Another sample workflow….. Natasha and Ashley are partners on a project They open a Google doc, working simultaneously on the same document. They can collaborate and work on instantly-updated files whether they are sitting next to each other or not. What happens when one is sick? Or if they were in different classes? Or if the project is assigned over Spring Break?
Let's make it personal... What do you teach? Let's look at some ways you could use the cloud in your classroom! Don't be shy! Share so everyone can learn!
Created through collaboration by members of Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the talented folks at FableVision, Above & Beyond is a story about what is possible when communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity take center stage in schools and transform learning opportunities for all kids. Visit and for more info.
Google Docs Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentations Google Docs Video
Collaborative Lesson Planning Work on the same lesson plan at the same time with a colleague using Google Docs.
Staff/Grade Level Meeting Notes Picture by K.W. Barrett Take your staff meeting notes in Google Docs. Share with the rest of the staff.
Shared Lesson Repository Store your lesson plans in your school's shared Doc list so that anyone at your school can find and access them. Create a folder for your grade level to share resources.
Improve the Writing Process Use Google Docs to: Have students work collaboratively from anywhere Give students ongoing and simultaneous feedback Use revision history to hold students accountable for their work Publish student work Case Study: Beginner Application
Reading Response Journals Beginner Application Instead of lugging home 30 reading response journals every week to comment on, have students keep their journals in a shared Google Doc. You can give your comments while students continue to write in their journals!
Translate Letters Home for Parents Example: Translate letters home to parents by using the translate feature in Google Docs. Intermediate Application
Track Student Homework (and Share with Parents) Use spreadsheets to track student homework. Give each student an anonymous number and share the sheet with parents.
Sign-up Sheets Example: Use spreadsheets to make scheduling parent-teacher conferences really easy.
Science Experiments Use Google forms and spreadsheet to: Collect data Share data Analyze data Graph data Graph data across 5 variables using the motion chart Example:
Flash Card Center Example: Use the flash card gadget in spreadsheets to set up a flash card center for your class.
Want to learn more? Google Apps for Education Online Training Center, Module 4: Docs: raining-Home/module-4-docs raining-Home/module-4-docs
Formative and Summative Assessments Example: K22 K22 Use Google Forms to give your students a pre-assessment at the beginning of class. Modify your instruction based on the results. Then give students an "exit ticket" at the end of class to see what they learned. Tip! Change the template to make the form more exciting
Survey Students: Collect Student Interest Information Use Forms to collect survey students. Survey students at the beginning of the year to find out about their interests. Example :
Teacher or Student Observations Use forms on your smart phone, iPad, or tablet to do teacher or student observations. The data will be automatically populated into a spreadsheet.
Online Reading Record Have students complete their reading record online through a Google Form. Intermediate Application
Tracking Discipline Referrals Keep track of discipline referrals across a school using Google forms.
A Few More Ways to Use Forms... Collect Information from Parents or Teachers Spelling Tests/ Multiplication Tests (Bonus! Write a formula to grade the tests) Collecting Science Data Intermediate Application
Want to learn more? Google Apps for Education Training Center, Chapter 6: Forms: Home/module-4-docs/chapter-6 Home/module-4-docs/chapter-6 Introduction to Google Forms Webinar Advanced Forms Webinar
OK, Are you overwhelmed?
Just be glad you’re not a cat herder! Tips for success in learning to use Google Docs Don’t think you have to learn and use everything in Google Docs at one time! Keep it simple, I started out just using Google Docs to take notes at meetings. Remember there is wonderful online help!
Have a great school year and remember technology in the classroom is NOT a new idea…….
You can learn new things at any time in your life if you’re willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you. ~ Barbara Sher
Thanks to Greg Garner for ideas used from his PPT To the Cloud, and Julia Stiglitz for ideas used from her PPT Google Apps in Classrooms and Schools. Videos Used: Google Docs in Plain English, Using Forms in Google Docs, Technology in the classroom in not a new idea…, Start-up To The Cloud and Cowboys Herding Cats. Patti Wyatt contact information: 325/