Promoting Health Information Line (PHIL) Background Methods of Contact Databases Referral Management Service Promotion
Background Public bodies such as the NHS or local government offer multiple services to their local communities and, in most cases, departments work independently although they may share business processes. However, these public bodies may be viewed by service users as complete entities with no distinction between departments. The Health Promotion Service is not that different as there are separate contact points for programmes. Generally, having several contact points offering services may act as a barrier to efficient service delivery. In order to be truly service user centric, the Health Promotion Service must integrate the entire range of service functions (R. Bosch Consulting, 2005)
Background Cont… ‘People’s lifestyles – whether they smoke, how much they drink, what they eat, whether they take regular exercise – are widely recognised as affecting their health and risk of dying young.’ Coalition Government have focused on 3 separate strategies (smoking, alcohol and obesity) with little or no reference to one another. How these behaviours co-occur and cluster. (Buck and Frosini, 2012)
Background Cont…. How these behaviours relate to health inequalities when experienced on a singular or multiple level. Not randomly distributed – more prevalent in some groups. 25% English adults experience 3 or more risk factors. 70% of us still engage in 2 or more risk factors. How multiple risks affect dynamics of behaviour change. Should we tackle them in sequence or in tandem? (Buck and Frosini, 2012)
Methods Of Contact PHIL TelephoneInternetText
Online database Service Provider Health Promotion Council Voluntary Commercial Fields Name Description Client Group Referral Criteria Contact Details
PHIL’s Database Demographics Health behaviours Brief intervention Referrals Signposts Follow up Evaluation
Contact Made ProfessionalPublic Screen Healthy Eating/Weight Management Physical Activity Smoking Alcohol Is a programme referral or signpost indicated? Provide support using SMART if appropriate. Document call. seek consent for follow up call. Refer/signpost to appropriate HPS programme/ other service if appropriate. Document call. Seek feedback from HPS programme or other service Refer to appropriate brief intervention pathway Yes No Follow up
Service Promotion Presentations to interested parties. Use of website, Intranet and Trust/council/voluntary Newsletters. Promotional materials (posters, coasters, pens) GP practices, schools, colleges, day centres, libraries. Local media (Radio, newspapers and magazines)