Personality Test The Color Code Personality Test The most critical lesson you must learn is to know who you are. When we know ourselves, we can know others. When we know precisely how to deal with ourselves, we know how to deal with others.
Outcomes * Identify your core motive * Identify the core motive of others * Understand the four personality types * Identify the strengths and limitations of the core motives
Section 1:
Hartman Color Code System Personality is the innate style of attitudes and behaviors that comes with you at birth and is based on one primary core motive. This motive may be accompanied by a strong secondary motive, but each of us have one core motive that is innate.
Core Motives & Natural Talents YELLOWWHITEBLUERED Enthusiasm Optimism ClarityTolerance Quality Service Leadership Vision Natural Talents FunPeaceIntimacyPower Core Motive
Section 2:
“Healthy Reds are the lifeblood of humanity. They are the movers and shakers of society.” -- Dr. Hartman
RED Personalities- The Power Wielders CORE MOTIVE NATURAL TALENTS Vision Leadership POWER 25% of the population are Reds
RED Needs and Wants To look good academically To be right To be respected To hide insecurities tightly To lead To receive selective approval
RED Strengths Logical Assertive Action-Oriented Task Dominant Determined Competitive Highly Verbal Unquestioned Leader in Home Responsible Disciplined Confident Leadership Proactive Decisive Goal Oriented Excellent Provider Creative in Crisis
RED Limitations Selfish Insensitive Inconsiderate Harsh and Judgmental Arrogant Always Right Impatient Poor Listener Bossy Aggressive Argumentative Demanding Difficult to Please Obsessive Prioritizes Work over Personal Relationships
RED Careers Lawyer Medical Doctor Entrepreneur Realtor Film Critic Contractor Police Officer Administrator
Keys to Relating to REDS 1. Present facts and figures. 2. Be direct, brief, and specific. 3. Present issues logically 4. Emphasize productivity and efficiency 5. Articulate your feelings clearly 6. Support their leadership instincts 7. Support their correct decisions DO:
1. Embarrass them in front of others. 2. Argue from an emotional perspective. 3. Be slow and indecisive. 4. Always use an authoritarian approach. 5. Wait for them to ask your opinion. 6. Take their arguments personally. 7. Demand constant social interaction. DON’T: Keys to Relating to REDS
Famous Red Personalities
“Life cannot bestow on anyone a more gratifying reward than the sincere appreciation and trust of a Blue friend, employer or family member.” -- Dr. Hartman
BLUE Personalities- The Do-gooders CORE MOTIVE NATURAL TALENTS Service Quality INTIMACY 35% of the population are Blues
BLUE Needs and Wants To be good morally To be understood To be appreciated To receive acceptance To reveal insecurities To please others
BLUE Strengths Compassionate Sincere Loyal Thoughtful Appreciates Beauty and Detail Organized Excellent Trainer Self-Sacrificing Committed Dedicated Emotionally Deep Dependable Deliberate Intimate Relationships are a Priority
BLUE Limitations Worry-Prone Overly Sensitive Self-Righteous Unforgiving Judgmental Lacks Ability to Relax Not Spontaneous Suspicious Perfectionist Easily Frustrated Hard to Please Hovers/Possessive Jealous Clingy Lecture and Overkill Issues
BLUE Careers Teacher Nurse Banker Architect Accountant Librarian Homemaker Journalist
Keys to Relating to BLUES 1.Show appreciation. 2.Take a sensitive approach. 3.Demonstrate sincerity. 4.Limit their perceived exposure to risk. 5.Help them feel secure. 6.Promote their creative efforts. 7.Be loyal. DO:
1.Make them feel guilty. 2.Be rude or abrupt. 3.Expect spontaneity. 4.Promote too much change. 5.Expect them to bounce back easily from depression. 6.Expect them to forgive quickly. 7.Abandon them. DON’T: Keys to Relating to BLUES
Famous BLUE Personalities
“ Whites offer us all a model for gentle, human dignity.” “ Whites offer us all a model for gentle, human dignity.” -- Dr. Hartman
WHITE Personalities- The Peacekeepers CORE MOTIVE NATURAL TALENTS Tolerance Clarity PEACE 20% of the population are Whites
WHITE Needs and Wants feel To feel good inside space To be given space respected To be respected accepted To be accepted withhold To withhold insecurities self and others To please self and others
WHITE Strengths Kind Patient Adaptable Satisfied Calm/Easygoing Agreeable Trusts Self Likes Most People Liked by Others Agreeable with Difficult Children Good Listener Accommodating Inventive Entertains Self Considerate Diplomatic
WHITE Limitations Timid Indecisive Unmotivated Silently Stubborn Resents Pressure Boring and Detached Lazy Poor Disciplinarian Avoids Conflict Fearful of Confrontation Verbal Response Indifferent Resists Commitments Uninvolved Wait and See
WHITE Careers Dentist Programmer Researcher Engineer Forest Ranger Lawyer Veterinarian Archeologist
Keys to Relating to WHITES 1.Accept their individuality. 2.Create an informal, relaxed setting. 3.Combine firmness with kindness. 4.Always react gently. 5.Show patience, try not to rush them. 6.Look for nonverbal clues. 7.Hear them out; listen quietly, and carefully. DO:
1.Be cruel or insensitive. 2.Expect them to need much social interaction. 3.Force immediate verbal expression. 4.Be domineering or too intense. 5.Overwhelm them with too much at once. 6.Force confrontation. 7.Take away all of their daydreams. DON’T: Keys to Relating to WHITES
Famous WHITE Personalities
“Happy is as happy does. Yellow people love themselves because they know exactly what they love to do and always find the time and resources to do it.” “Happy is as happy does. Yellow people love themselves because they know exactly what they love to do and always find the time and resources to do it.” -- Dr. Hartman
YELLOW Personalities- The Fun Lovers CORE MOTIVE NATURAL TALENTS Optimism Enthusiasm FUN 20% of the population are Yellows
YELLOW Needs and Wants socially To look good socially praised To be praised general To gain general approval loosely hide To loosely hide insecurities noticed To be noticed
YELLOW Strengths Fun-loving Charismatic Carefree Enthusiastic Optimistic Strong Visual Learner Loves Physical Contact Sociable Never Dull or Boring Trusting Forgives Easily Accepts Others Spontaneous Adventurous Happy with Life
YELLOW Limitations Uncommitted Disloyal Self-centered Superficial Poor Listener Disorganized Impulsive Undisciplined Vain Afraid to Face Facts Inconsistent Unfocused Interrupts Sassy/Demanding Loud and Obnoxious
YELLOW Careers Sales Firefighter Travel Agent Comedian Beautician Actor/Actress Waiter Youth Counselor Public Relations
Keys to Relating to YELLOWS 1.Take a positive, upbeat approach. 2.Offer praise and appreciation. 3.Accept some playful teasing. 4.Encourage them to enjoy their work. 5.Encourage their verbal self-expression. 6.Reinforce trust with appropriate physical gestures. 7.Value their social interaction skills. DO:
1.Be too serious in criticism. 2.Ignore them. 3.Forget that they have “down” times, too. 4.Expect them to dwell on problems. 5.Attack their sensitivity or be unforgiving. 6.Totally control their schedules/time. 7.Give them too much rope, or they may hang themselves. DON’T: Keys to Relating to YELLOWS
Famous YELLOW Personalities
Mixed Colors The most difficult color combination is Red/Blue. If you are strong in both categories, you will often find yourself stepping on someone's toes to get a task completed (Red), but feeling guilty afterward for making that person unhappy (Blue). If you are a Red/Yellow, you are a natural leader and find yourself in a comfortable blend. The Red dynamically directs your life, while the Yellow charismatically invites others to enjoy your friendship.
Mixed Colors Red-White combinations are difficult to read because they can be aggressive and determined one minute (Red), then quietly passive the next (White). If you fit this category, your guiding motive is power or peace rather than intimacy, which spares you the intense struggle of the Red/Blue combination. You are likely to be misunderstood because your behavior is inconsistent, and you don't easily allow others to figure you out.
Mixed Colors If you are a Blue/White combination, you are comfortable. You express yourself softly and sincerely. Your personality is easy to read. People find you determined, yet flexible. You are someone with whom almost anyone can get along.
Mixed Colors Blue/Yellows are fun to tease. They can be footloose and carefree one minute then suddenly turn very serious the next. They may pack the neighborhood kids in the van and race to the beach for a day of sun and fun. But once there, they'll start to worry about all the things they should be doing at home. They are intimacy-based and have no strong desire for power in their relationships.
Mixed Colors If White and Yellow are your two strong colors, you possess the best people skills of all the personalities. You are relaxed and usually take the path of least resistance. You do not experience much conflict between your colors, despite the different motives represented by each. You are comfortable with your blend and present an inviting atmosphere to those around you.