Fiscal Year 2012 Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act Funding Opportunity Announcement HRSA Technical Assistance (TA) page:
Agenda Overview Electronic Submission Process Program Narrative & Review Criteria Attachments Performance Measures Important Reminders Technical Assistance Contacts Questions & Answers 2
Overview 3 Purpose: To improve the provision of comprehensive disease prevention, health promotion, and primary care services to Native Hawaiians in Hawaii. Approximately $13 million Six grants Project period start date: August 1, 2012 Project period: One (1) year due date: June 20, 2012 at 8:00 PM ET
Overview of Changes Salary limitation for personnel funded by Federal grants – HRSA funds may not be used to pay the salary of an individual at a rate in excess of $179,700 Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements may be used as matching funds Staffing Plan has been revised to collect specific position information Income Analysis Form has been revised to collect specific income data 4
Overview of Changes 5 Project Narrative and Review Criteria updates Health Care Plan and Business Plan have been replaced by a comprehensive Project Work Plan for POL Health Care Plan and Business Plan have been replaced by Clinical and Financial Performance Measures for the NHHCS Submission Process 6 Applications for funding must consist of the following forms and documents: SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance Form –Upload Project Abstract on line 15 Project Narrative SF-424A: Budget Information Form Budget Narrative SF-424B: Assurances for Non-Construction Programs Project Performance Site Location Form Lobbying Form SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, if applicable Attachments
Program Narrative & Review Criteria Program Narrative = general request for information Review Criteria = utilized by reviewers to assess the application Need (10 points) Project Update (15 points) Response (35 points) Resources/Capabilities (10 points) Evaluative Measures (10 points) Impact (10 points) Support Requested (10 points) 7
Attachments 8 Attachment 1: Clinical and Financial Performance Measures (Project Work Plan for POL) Attachment 2: Income Analysis Form (except POL) Attachment 3: Staffing Plan Attachment 4: Position Descriptions for New Key Personnel Attachment 5: Biographical Sketches for New Key Personnel Attachment 6: Letters of Support Attachment 7: Summary of Contracts and Agreements Attachment 8: Board Profile Attachment 9: Other Relevant Documents
Clinical Performance Measures Applicants must include at least four of the Standard Clinical Performance Measures: Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Cancer Prenatal Health Perinatal Health Child Health 9
Clinical Performance Measures Standard Clinical Performance Measures: Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up Tobacco Use Assessment Tobacco Cessation Counseling Asthma – Pharmacological Therapy 10
Clinical Performance Measures Variable Clinical Performance Measures (applicant determines the information/data provided): Behavioral Health Oral Health Hearing/Otitis Media Traditional Healing Health Education and Disease Prevention Nutrition and Physical Activity Other 11
Financial Performance Measures Applicants must include at least three of the Standard Financial Performance Measures: Total Cost per Patient Medical Cost per Medical Visit Change in Net Assets to Expense Ratio* Working Capital to Monthly Expense Ratio* Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio* Non-Federal Matching Funds *based on organization’s audited financial statements 12
Performance Measures Forms Focus Area Performance Measure Description Is this Performance Measure Applicable? Numerator Description Denominator Description Baseline Data: ‒Baseline Year ‒Measure Type ‒Numerator ‒Denominator 13
Performance Measures Forms Projected Data (by the end of project period) Data Source and Methodology Key Factor Type – Applicants must specify at least one key contributing and one restricting factor Key Factor Description Major Planned Action Description – provide action steps and strategies to be used to achieve each performance measure See Appendix A in the FOA 14
Important Reminders deadline is June 20, 2012 by 8:00 PM ET Applications may not exceed 80 pages or 10 MB (see Tables 2-3 in the FOA for items included in the page limit) Submit single-spaced narrative documents with 12 point, easily readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, Ariel, Courier) and 1-inch margins To access forms, templates, and samples, go to the TA web page:
Technical Assistance Contacts 16 Program related questions: Joanne Galindo: or Budget related questions: Christie Walker: or related questions: or Technical assistance web page:
Questions & Answers 17