Drive of Your Life Billy Harmon Danielle York
For Students Fun, online career exploration game to help students learn about themselves, higher education, and careers. Each student gets to customize their own car by answering questions about themselves Students learn about their interests and abilities and then go on a virtual drive to learn more about each of the careers related to these interests and abilities
For Educators Reports that enable educators to track the progress of each student’s career considerations Lesson plans to help incorporate Drive of Your Life into existing curriculum Special search functions to directly access information on any of the 500+ careers
A little more about Career “exit” features job-specific information on growth prospects, education required, salary, and what a typical day is like-including videos Printable record of each student’s career exploration Meets multiple Indiana student standards for career exploration/education
StrengthsWeaknesses User friendly Free for anyone to use Free resources for parents, teachers, and counselors including educator reports, career fair links, Indiana student standards for guidance, and additional support materials Allows students to explore careers in a fun way Mainly used for middle and high school students No scientific studies measuring reliability and validity
Conclusion This website is perfect for use by school counselors and teachers. Although it is tailored for students, it does provide sufficient information on careers that would benefit adults as well.