Social and Emotional Issues for the Gifted Learner “Brighter doesn’t necessarily mean happier, healthier, more successful, socially adept or more secure.”
Challenges for Gifted Students Like minority students, they feel “different.” A desire to be like everybody else – even positive differences cause anxiety. They may have problems “connecting” with other kids. Parents and Teachers may dismiss emotional problems because so many others have more difficult issues.
Challenges from Within
Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“Why is it all of my good friends are older or younger than I am?” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“School is so boring, but nobody seems to care... There has to be a better way to learn.” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“I’m 12 years old... with the mind of a 16-year-old and the social skills of a 1000-year-old Druid! Where do I fit in?!” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“No matter how well I do, there is always someone telling me I could have done better!” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“ How will I ever select a career or college major? ” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“ Does my being able to do things other kids can’t do make me a more valuable member of society ?” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“ If I don’t become a doctor or a lawyer, will I be perceived as a failure? ” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
“Everybody tells me I’m Gifted, but nobody tells me what that means!” Top 8 Gripes of Gifted Children
Contrasting Abilities Accelerated Learners Interested in mastery and integrating increasingly complex material Process, retain, and apply large amounts of knowledge May be indifferent to academic subject – but know everything about a topic Often frustrated by lockstep learning May need help learning social skills
Contrasting Abilities Accelerated Learners Enriched Learners Interested in mastery and integrating increasingly complex material Process, retain, and apply large amounts of knowledge May be indifferent to academic subject – but know everything about a topic Often frustrated by lockstep learning May need help learning social skills Ability to become wholly immersed in a problem Focus on the problem as an end in itself May be highly emotional, imaginative, internally motivated, curious, driven to explore Often have a keen sense of humor Artists, musicians, dancers, writes, and actors Thrive on discovery and experience May not be top performers
Gifted Girls Societal pressures – ◦ “Traditional” roles for women vs. men ◦ “Women are supposed to be sweet, dependent June Allyson types pretending to be overawed by the opposite sex.” ◦ How to be feminine and talented at the same time? ◦ Career vs. family
Gifted Boys Societal pressures – ◦ “Traditional” role - jock vs. nerd ◦ Strong peer pressure to fit in and conform ◦ Negative attitudes or bullying if they are “too feminine” ◦ Tendency to overload
Ethnic and Cultural Minorities Caught between two worlds – How to maintain their culture... but succeed in a white classroom Being different than your own family ◦ Succeeding where others don’t (parents) ◦ Succeeding outside the ethnic “norm” Testing below the norm due to language bias
Twice Exceptional Children Lowered expectations for physical and learning or behavioral disabilities May have uneven academic skills Motor skills may frustrate and cause them to act out and have self-esteem issues Social integration issues may be more profound
Signs of Trouble Half are underachievers 10 – 20% of high school dropouts test within the very superior ability range 40% of graduates in the top 5 percent of their class don’t graduate college Depression - “Hostages of their own special insights” 20% of the prison population is gifted
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody” Bill Cosby