Properties of Nonmetals and Metalloids Explore properties of nonmetals and metalloids Develop a plan to classify an unknown element.
What are the properties of nonmetals? Looking at the jars of nonmetals, what predictions can you make about the properties of nonmetals. Mix Zn with HCl, light the bubbles on fire. Mix H 2 O 2 with MnO 2, light the bubbles on fire.
Nonmetals Generally gases Brittle Dull-looking solids Poor conductors of heat and electricity
Observe the samples of metalloids How do their properties compare with those of metals and nonmetals?
Metalloids Have properties of metals and nonmetals
QPOE Model
You need an ink pen! And a lab journal. This journal is for lab notes ONLY and remains in the classroom!
Classification of Unknown Element Title – center of page On each new page related to this lab write CUE
Question: What is the classification of the unknown element: metal, nonmetal or metalloid?
Knowledge Probe: Research the following terms/questions. Restate the question being asked in your answer and provide the answer using complete sentences in your journal. Each entry must include a citation of where the information was located – be sure it is a trust worthy and reliable site. Describe the properties of metals. Describe the properties of nonmetals. Describe how the properties of metalloids relate to those of metals and nonmetals. Define inconclusive.
Prediction/Hypothesis Create your own hypothesis If what are you going to do, then what are you going to be able to do because what are you going to do with your observations.
Investigation Plan 1.Observe the appearance each sample. – Color, texture, luster, malleability, ductility, brittleness 2.Run a magnet under each sample. 3.Test the conductivity of each sample. 4.Place a small amount of each sample into a cell well, add water to each. 5.Remove the samples from water and dry. 6.Test each sample with hydrochloric acid. Use envelop sample Use jar sample Here’s what you did before. Where all these tests necessary? Thinking about the results and the knowledge probe how do you want to test the unknown?
Observations AppearanceMagnetismConductivityH2OH2OAcid Unknown Color: Texture: Luster: Malleability: Ductility: Brittleness: Immediate effect and also appearance after 5 minutes. Table 1: Observations of Physical and Chemical Properties of an Unknown Element Be sure to give me enough in the observations so that any one could pick your sample out of a box.
Data Analysis Do the observations on each of the following categorize the unknown as a metal, nonmetal or was the data inconclusive. Color Texture Luster Malleability Ductility Brittleness Magnetism effect of water on the sample effect of acid on the sample
Explanation This is the most important section of your journal where you are writing a summary of everything prior to this. Write in third person and past tense in a nice paragraph. The element sample received was a …. (metal/nonmetal/metalloid). The observed properties included… which classified the sample as a …. Continue this process of explaining the observation and which category the sample falls under. Wrap up the paragraph explaining that since the observed properties fall in such and such category, it was concluded that the sample was…
Evaluation Answer the following questions in complete sentences restating the question being asked. This may be written in a paragraph – Describe the sources of error. – Describe what you would do differently next time. Provide advise for future experimenters. – Based on the confidence chart in the lab, explain the level of confidence you have in your findings. – Tell me what surprised you. – Based on the new knowledge you have obtained, what would you like to investigation in the lab now?
Application This lab was an application of the skills you learned during the metal lab. Describe your current comfort level with using these new techniques. Where else do you feel these skills may be useful? If you have no ideas, research using of conductivity meters.