Melville’ career began with largely autobiographical, well-received adventure stories about his experiences as a sailor in the South Seas. Melville’ career began with largely autobiographical, well-received adventure stories about his experiences as a sailor in the South Seas. Though he published eleven prose books, along with shorter pieces and books of poems, it was only thirty years after his death that people began to realize just what it was he had managed to achieve. Though he published eleven prose books, along with shorter pieces and books of poems, it was only thirty years after his death that people began to realize just what it was he had managed to achieve.
The original design of Moby Dick made sense within the romantic tradition. The original design of Moby Dick made sense within the romantic tradition. Melville wanted to write a romantic text on the whale fishery, giving much exotic information, derived from encyclopedias and world literature.Melville wanted to write a romantic text on the whale fishery, giving much exotic information, derived from encyclopedias and world literature. The characters were to be colorful and picturesque.The characters were to be colorful and picturesque.
The novel’s plot is built on one basic conflict – AHAB vs. THE WHALE. The novel’s plot is built on one basic conflict – AHAB vs. THE WHALE. It is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat the legendary Sperm Whale Moby Dick. It is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat the legendary Sperm Whale Moby Dick. Ahab seeks revenge because of an unfortunate accident involving Moby Dick.Ahab seeks revenge because of an unfortunate accident involving Moby Dick.
ELEMENTS OF THE QUEST MYTH CHALLENGE CHALLENGE The hero LEAVES SOCIETY The hero LEAVES SOCIETY (his goals are always noble, he is always on the side of goodness, his enemies are always evil)(his goals are always noble, he is always on the side of goodness, his enemies are always evil)
Undergoes TRIALS Undergoes TRIALS (PHYSICAL TESTS – slaying a dragon, battling powerful opponents, rescuing maidens in distress etc.)(PHYSICAL TESTS – slaying a dragon, battling powerful opponents, rescuing maidens in distress etc.) Having completed his quest the hero RETURNS to society to bring about spiritual TRANSFORMATION and restore the perfect human community Having completed his quest the hero RETURNS to society to bring about spiritual TRANSFORMATION and restore the perfect human community
AHAB’S QUEST AHAB’S QUEST not heroism; he is ready to sacrifice his whole crew for his personal goal - his revengeful obsession to find and kill Moby Dicknot heroism; he is ready to sacrifice his whole crew for his personal goal - his revengeful obsession to find and kill Moby Dick
For Ahab, the defeat of Moby Dick will represent redemption and a means of achieving clarity and peace. For Ahab, the defeat of Moby Dick will represent redemption and a means of achieving clarity and peace. Claiming that Moby Dick is “chiefly what I hate” gives the whale greater significance for Ahab, who finds that the whale represents all of the mysteries of his life.Claiming that Moby Dick is “chiefly what I hate” gives the whale greater significance for Ahab, who finds that the whale represents all of the mysteries of his life. The quest to find Moby Dick is both an external conflict between Ahab and the whale as well as an internal conflict within Ahab for a sense of peace and happiness. The quest to find Moby Dick is both an external conflict between Ahab and the whale as well as an internal conflict within Ahab for a sense of peace and happiness.
Melville constructed Ahab as a mad, imperial figure, who thinks himself the equal to God Melville constructed Ahab as a mad, imperial figure, who thinks himself the equal to God
OTHER CHARACTERS ISHMAEL ISHMAEL the narrator of the novelthe narrator of the novel a simple sailor on the Pequod who undertakes the journey because of his affection for the ocean and his need to go to sea whenever he feels “hazy about the eyes”.a simple sailor on the Pequod who undertakes the journey because of his affection for the ocean and his need to go to sea whenever he feels “hazy about the eyes”.
QUEEQUEG QUEEQUEG harpooner from New Zealand, son of a Maori king who renounced the throne to travel and learn about Christian societyharpooner from New Zealand, son of a Maori king who renounced the throne to travel and learn about Christian society NOBLE, BRAVE, HONORABLE, gives Ishmael a sense of serenity and ease (SAVAGERY vs. CIVILIZATION) NOBLE, BRAVE, HONORABLE, gives Ishmael a sense of serenity and ease (SAVAGERY vs. CIVILIZATION) Queequeg juxtaposes sharply with Ahab - while Queequeg is so completely in control of himself that he can even will himself cured, Ahab is so subject to his obsessions that he cannot make any decisions independent of them.Queequeg juxtaposes sharply with Ahab - while Queequeg is so completely in control of himself that he can even will himself cured, Ahab is so subject to his obsessions that he cannot make any decisions independent of them.
STARBUCK STARBUCK chief mate of the Pequod, voice of reason and practicality, openly opposes Ahab’s suicidal follychief mate of the Pequod, voice of reason and practicality, openly opposes Ahab’s suicidal folly FEDALLAH FEDALLAH oriental / Asiatic – mysterious, sinister figure, devil in disguise, has prophetic dreamsoriental / Asiatic – mysterious, sinister figure, devil in disguise, has prophetic dreams
FATHER MAPPLE FATHER MAPPLE left sailing for the ministry – sermon that considers the tale of JONAH and the WHALE (both JONAH and AHAB flout God through arrogance and disobedience)left sailing for the ministry – sermon that considers the tale of JONAH and the WHALE (both JONAH and AHAB flout God through arrogance and disobedience)
THE WHALE legendary, mythic quality legendary, mythic quality Whaling described as a ROYAL ACTIVITY Whaling described as a ROYAL ACTIVITY (whales were considered prizes significant enough to be a dowry. Oil used in the coronation of kings is sperm whale oil) (whales were considered prizes significant enough to be a dowry. Oil used in the coronation of kings is sperm whale oil)
In the nineteenth century whaling was a huge industry, with America dominating the international scene. In the nineteenth century whaling was a huge industry, with America dominating the international scene. Petroleum was not discovered until 1859 – importance of whale oil. Petroleum was not discovered until 1859 – importance of whale oil. In 1844 $120 million was tied up in whaling. Whaling was especially significant in the American economy in the middle of the nineteenth century, when the industry was competing with textiles. In 1844 $120 million was tied up in whaling. Whaling was especially significant in the American economy in the middle of the nineteenth century, when the industry was competing with textiles. Whaling finally became America-dominated, and considerable national pride is evident in Melville’s depictions. Whaling finally became America-dominated, and considerable national pride is evident in Melville’s depictions.
The struggle against Moby Dick lasts THREE DAYS The struggle against Moby Dick lasts THREE DAYS On the first day, Ahab spies the whale himself, and the whaling boats row after it. Moby Dick attacks Ahab’s boat, causing it to sink, but Ahab survives the ordeal when he reaches Stubb’s boat.On the first day, Ahab spies the whale himself, and the whaling boats row after it. Moby Dick attacks Ahab’s boat, causing it to sink, but Ahab survives the ordeal when he reaches Stubb’s boat.
Despite this first failed attempt at defeating the whale, Ahab pursues him for a second day. Despite this first failed attempt at defeating the whale, Ahab pursues him for a second day. On the second day of the chase, roughly the same defeat occurs.On the second day of the chase, roughly the same defeat occurs.
When Ahab and his crew finally reach Moby Dick… (you’ll have to read to find out the ending ) When Ahab and his crew finally reach Moby Dick… (you’ll have to read to find out the ending )