Jeopardy MysticetesOdontocetesPinnipedsSurvey Misc. Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Mysticetes The largest animal to have ever lived on earth (and scientific name) Otherwise known as the cheek bone
$100 Answer from Mysticetes What is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)?
$200 Question from Mysticetes The whale species with pectoral flippers 1/3 its body length (and scientific name)
$200 Answer from Mysticetes What is the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)?
$300 Question from Mysticetes The smallest cetacean in the Balaenopteridae family (Rorquals)
$300 Answer from Mysticetes What is the minke whale? (scientific name Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
$400 Question from Mysticetes The species with a heart shaped blow (and scientific name)
$400 Answer from Mysticetes What is the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)?
$500 Question from Mysticetes The main physical characteristic used to identify fin whales?
$500 Answer from Mysticetes What is the right white lower lip? (scientific name Balaenoptera physalus)
$100 Question from Odontocetes Most common coastal odontocete - likely to be seen from West Cliff (and scientific name) A B C DE F
$100 Answer from Odontocetes What is the Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)?
$200 Question from Odontocetes The “flying cigar” species
$200 Answer from Odontocetes What is the northern right whale dolphin? (scientific name Lissodelphis borealis)
$300 Question from Odontocetes The species made famous in ‘Moby Dick’ and its scientific name (has characteristic sideways blow)
$300 Answer from Odontocetes What is the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)?
$400 Question from Odontocetes These two species common names and how you tell them apart A B
$400 Answer from Odontocetes What is (A) the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and (B) the Pacific white sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) and what are the differences in their dorsal fin colorations as well as the differences in the shape of their beak? A B
$500 Question from Odontocetes Fastest swimming cetacean
$500 Answer from Odontocetes What is the Dalls porpoise? (scientific name Phocoenoides dalli)
$100 Question from Pinnipeds The species you hear barking at the Santa Cruz wharf (and scientific name)
$100 Answer from Pinnipeds What is the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)?
$200 Question from Pinnipeds The pinniped that almost went extinct about 100 years ago but now numbers over 175,000 (and scientific name)
$200 Answer from Pinnipeds What is the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris)?
$300 Question from Pinnipeds Local pinniped species that does not exhibit obvious sexual dimorphism (and scientific name)
$300 Answer from Pinnipeds What is the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)?
$400 Question from Pinnipeds The locally found pinniped species that relies the most on fur for thermoregulation - breeds in the Channel and Pribilof Islands (and scientific name)
$400 Answer from Pinnipeds What is the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus)?
$500 Question from Pinnipeds The largest otariid and the location of its southern-most breeding colony A
$500 Answer from Pinnipeds What is the northern sea lion/Steller sea lion and what is Ano Nuevo Island? (species name Eumetopias jubatus)
$100 Question from Survey A scale used for wind force
$100 Answer from Survey What is the Beaufort scale?
$200 Question from Survey A measure of the abundance of algae, also called phytoplankton, which account for most of the plant production in the ocean
$200 Answer from Survey What is Chlorophyll-a?
$300 Question from Survey The two important measurements needed for sightings
$300 Answer from Survey What are reticles and compass bearing?
$400 Question from Survey The area searched by the port side observer
$400 Answer from Survey What is straight ahead and out 90 degrees to the left?
$500 Question from Survey The orientation of tracklines to sample equally across different environments
$500 Answer from Survey What is perpendicular to the bathymetry?
$100 Question from Misc. Structure used for filtering food out of the water column
$100 Answer from Misc. What is baleen?
$200 Question from Misc. The two different main groups of killer whales found along the west coast of the USA (plus scientific name)
$200 Answer from Misc. What are transient (marine mammal eating) and resident (fish eating) Orcinus orca?
$300 Question from Misc. The scientific name of this animal
$300 Answer from Misc. What is Grampus griseus (Risso’s dolphin)?
$400 Question from Misc. The smallest local cetacean (and also a very elusive one)
$400 Answer from Misc. What is the harbor porpoise? (scientific name Phocoena phocoena)
$500 Question from Misc. At least three external features/characteristics used to differentiate phocids and otariids (i.e. what you say when your grandmother asks you how to tell a seal and a sea lion apart)
$500 Answer from Misc. What are external ears (pinnae), the ability to walk on all four limbs (otariids), the flippers used for locomotion (front flippers for otariids vs rear for phocids)?
Final Jeopardy What species did Dan Costa study for his graduate research (common and scientific name)?
Final Jeopardy Answer What is the sea otter (Enhydra lutris)?