The Lines and Colors of Life
How does it feel when you see disorderly things? What do you feel when you observe orderly and pleasant arrangement of structures? These varying emotional experiences have something to do with the lines, colors, shapes, arrangement, and volume of things around you. Elements of art really affect us. They touch our senses and emotions.
What do you feel when you look at the pictures?
Elements that artsists consider in two- dimensional arts: line Color Texture Shape Shading In three-dimensional works, artists consider the following elements: Mass Solids and voids Balance scale upon hearing the sad news, King Madali decided to go to the heavens to retrieve Bantugan's soul from the Angel of the Death. How do artists create the forms they see?
Factors that architects consider in designing buildings: shape proportion structural stability Lines Line - a movement of point to another point across a plane or space. It becomes visible because it contrasts in value with the surface on which it is drawn.
Classification of Lines 1. Static lines – suggest firmness and straightforwardness. a. Vertical Lines – convey uprightness, dignity b. Horizontal lines – suggest calmness, peace and sobreity. c. Jagged lines – give the impression of violence, dislike, hatred, haos and disorder. d. Dynamic Lines – signify movements, cheerfulness and continuity.
Colors Color – another element of the art which is the property of light. When light goes out, color goes with it.
Hue – basic name of color. Ex. red Value – indicates how light or dark a color is. Intensity – the brightness or dullness of color Color Harmony – the combination of colors that can go together 3 Basic Terms That Describe Color
Related Color Harmonies 1. Monochromatic Harmony – involves one color in varying tints and shades. 2. Analogous Harmony – a combination of three colors lying side by side in the color wheel.
Contrasting Color Harmonies 1. Complementary Harmony - consists of two colors which lie directly opposite each other in the color wheel. 2.Double Complementary Harmony - consists of two colors directly opposite their complements placed in the color wheel.
3. Split Complementary Harmony - a combination of a primary or a secondary color together with two colors immediately next to its complement.
4. Triad Harmony - a combination of three colors which lie in equal distances from each other in the color wheel. a. Primary triad – blue red, yellow b. Secondary triad – orange, green, violet c. Intermediate triad – yellow green, yellow orange, red orange, red violet, blue violet, blue green
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