July 23, 2015 Freshman Parent Boot Camp Need help? or
Every student expected to have one Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Chromebook (rental or purchase) ◦ Completed during registration Bring their own ◦ Must turn in to Tech Office (Room 727) to get connected Needs to be cared for and maintained ◦ Deductibles for damages Daily use! Key element of AZMerit
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ◦ Long name for a useful tool! Every teacher/class has a Moodle Interactive online environment ◦ Teachers use to make resources available Usually downloadable files (Google Docs compatible) ◦ Student-to-student interactions ◦ Quizzes, activities, homework ◦ Key for communication with students
One web address for all Moodles ◦ learn.vail.k12.az.us ◦ Organized by school -> subject -> teacher To log in, use your student’s district login ◦ Username EX: ericksonj1 for Jack Erickson EX: farrj2 for Josh Farr ◦ Password Student number + 2 characters
At the top of every freshman teacher’s page Some upperclassmen teachers use
School provided and monitored address ◦ ◦ Standard password Drive ◦ Free multi-purpose online collaboration tool ◦ Similar to MS Office tools Word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc
Upload work created in MS office Create new work with Drive tools Similar functions as MS Office Access from any internet connection Actual apps available for smart phones Drive
drive.vailstudents.org mail.vailstudents.org docs.vailstudents.org
ps.vail.k12.az.us Parent Specific Login & Password ◦ Same as prior years No login or need help? or
Anything that’s blue is a link; use these to contact teachers
Please open a web browser ◦ Safari, Chrome, Firefox Go to: tinyurl.com/pd5LBMX Complete the survey ◦ Help us improve