Chemistry Which Class is best for me?
General Chemistry Instructors: Mrs. Holtry Mrs. Howell Mrs. Copenhaver
This class … Gives a general knowledge of Chemistry. How it is used daily. Fulfills high school science credit. Fulfills Regent scholarship requirements. This class will also help you make wise decisions using basic Chemistry in you life and not succumb to “fear” tactics.
This is a traditional Science Class. Lecture, and lab in class with homework taken home. This class fulfills the general requirement for high school graduation. This classes rigor prepares students going on to be good consumers and citizens.
Pre-AP class (10 and 11 grade) Instructor: Mrs. Holtry Honors Chemistry
Math: Honors Secondary Math 1 Good math grades A or B’s You need to be familiar with TI-83 or TI-84 A TI-84+ is recommended but a TI-83 will work if the memory is clear.
We do more labs. Some of which include the TI calculators. The pace is a little more advanced. We still have a lot of fun!
Through Weber State University (5 credits) Must be in 11 th or 12 th grade Instructor: Mrs. Howell This course fulfills a required (prerequisite) to get into nursing, med tech, and radiology. This class has 5 credit hours of college credit! CE 1110 Chemistry
FEES/cost: $30 Weber State admissions (paid to Weber State) $25 course hour recorder fee (paid to Weber State) $45 book rental fee $54 Sapling Online Homework fee $10 Lab Fee $10 CE class fee $169 Total Amount That is really cheap considering that the regular cost for 5 credit hours plus books for this class comes to ($ ) that is a savings of $
CE 1110 at Weber State This is basically just chemistry with a little harder labs than General Chemistry. (it is the lowest level chemistry at the college) Also Weber State is also offering a $1500 scholarship to those students who complete 12 credit hours of CE credit in high school. With this class they are more than 1/3 of the way there !
This is also a good pre-AP Chem course. This is a good class for those preparing to go on to college. You will be generating a lab notebook. This is a “partial - flipped” curriculum. You will need to become a be a member of the ACS Chem Club. ($10)
You need to be familiar with TI-83 or TI-84 A TI-84+ silver is recommended but a TI-83 will work if the memory is clear. We do more labs than Regular. Some of which include the TI calculators. The pace is a little more advanced. We have a lot of fun!
“Flipped” Curriculum? This means you will be watching lecture or an interactive tutorial session at home and take notes or complete an online comprehension quiz. The next day in class you may ask questions on the lecture. Problems are then done on an interactive homework site at school or at home. Labs are also performed in class with a lab group.
CE 1120 Chemistry Follow up (next college semester) to 1110 Chem 12th grade only Organic and Biochemistry Last chemistry needed for a RN. Fills physical science credit at college. 5 credit hours Same cost as $169. You will need to become a be a member of the ACS Chem Club. ($10) NOT Flipped
Instructor: Mrs. Howell Higher level college chemistry class than CE. This is the chemistry class above CE chemistry. College credit is received through a test at the end of the year (AP EXAM) in May. This is "Freshman Chemistry" or the 1200 series at Weber State. This class can give you up to 14 credit hours of college credit. This course is a college freshman paced course. AP Chemistry
Math: You need to be able to solve for x in a problem. (Solve for an unknown) This is also a partially “flipped” curriculum. Students will need to commit 30 minutes a night to chemisty. Class time is reserved for working problems and doing labs.
We will also be using an interactive thumb drive. This thumb drive’s producer followed 600 students 3 years ago that used this thumb drive to study for the AP Chemistry exam with. All 600 students got a 4 or 5 on the exam! The key is you have to spend time with it! You need to know how to use a TI-83 or TI-84. And A TI-84+silver is recommended.
The labs that we perform are more advanced. You will need to become a be a member of the ACS Chem Club. ($10) This club allows you access to college professors and activities that you would not otherwise have.
There will be research projects to do. One of which is Demo Days! You will learn how chemistry works and be well prepared for future college science classes.
There is a AP Test at the end of the year. Passing the AP Test will give you regular chemistry credit at the college level (S1210 and S1220) a total of 8 credits. You can also receive an additional 6 credits for lab if you petition the dean of college of chemistry with a well done lab notebook.
Fees: $10 Lab Fee $90 AP Test Fee (about) - not due till March $100 This can get you up to 14 credit hours of college credit by passing the AP Chemistry Test in May.
Organic and BioChemistry Instructor: Mrs. Howell This is an elective high school science credit. This is a ½ year long class. Must have first taken a chemistry class and passed with a C or better!
What will you learn? How to name and write organic chemicals. Identify special groups and their properties. Do labs with organic compounds. Learn how chemistry interacts with biology.
Chem Club $10 1.This looks great on college scholarships because it is an academic club! 2.This is also a great way to come and hang out with college professors and college students. 3.We will have a service project. 4.We are also going to be having many fun activities! Join Today! First Meeting Coming soon! Watch chemistry room doors.
Thinking of changing? Here is our schedule with green areas being classes that are not full. A-dayB-day Period CopenhaverGENPREPGEN PREPGEN 35PREP PREP37 HoltryPREPGENHonor Chem PREP GEN PREP 3120 PREP 3237PREP HowellGENPREPAPCE 1120 & Organic GENPREPCE PREP131529PREP2017
Now you are informed! You can choose which Chemistry Class best fits your needs. We as Chemistry Teachers look forward to seeing you! Mrs. Holtry Mrs. Howell Mrs. Copenhaver