Magnificent 7
Problem Solving Scientific Method 1. Define the Problem 2. Gather Information 3. Develop Alternatives 4. Evaluate Alternatives 5. Implement Solutions 6. Follow Up Osborne & Parnes 1. Understand the “Mess” 2. Find the Facts 3. Identify Specific Problems 4. Generate Ideas 5. Develop Solutions 6. Implementation
The Magnificent “7” Problem Solving Step Understand Mess Find Facts Identify Problems Generate Ideas Develop Solutions Implementation Useful Tools Flow Charts Check Sheets Pareto Diagrams Histograms Cause-and-Effect Scatter Diagrams Control Charts
Problem Identification/Analysis Flow Chart Check Sheet Nominal Group Technique Brainstorming Histogram Scatter Diagram Process Capability Control Chart Force Field Analysis Pareto Chart Cause & Effect Run Chart Stratification Problem IdentificationProblem Analysis
Flow Charting Mix Dry Ingredients Mix Wet Ingredients Mix Wet & Dry Fold 10 Minutes Add Chips Fold 2 Minutes Extrude Dough Cut Dough Bake 10 Minutes OK Poor Qual. Pack and Ship Feed to Hogs
Check Sheet; Cookies TypeCheckTotal Burnt Crumbly Too Few Chips Poor Taste Other
Histograms Defects by Category BurntCrumblyFew ChipsPoor TasteOther Type Defect Frequency
Cause & Effect Too Few Chips Automate Mix Chips in Dry Fold Longer Drop Liquid Chips Place Chips on by hand
Cause & Effect Effect PeopleMethodsHandling Design Tools
Idea; Cookies As a first step, let’s try Increasing Folding Time
Scatter Diagram Chips vs Fold Time Fold Time # Chips
New Idea; Cookies Try Mixing Chips in With Dry Ingredients
Flow Charting Mix Dry Ingredients Mix Wet Ingredients Mix Wet & Dry Fold 10 Minutes Add Chips Fold 2 Minutes Extrude Dough Cut Dough Bake 10 Minutes OK Poor Qual. Pack and Ship Feed to Hogs
Evaluate; Control Chart Avg Chips Time
Defect Location
Force Field Analysis + Driving Forces - Restraining Forces Ideal State: Rapid City Area Museum Increases tourism Preserves local history Consolidates museums Increases exhibits currently in storage Provide facilities for maintenance, storage & preservation Educational Opportun. Prolongs sales tax increase Reduces $ for education Reduces $ for recreation Existing facilities
Radar Chart Planning Process Customer Focus Improvement Process Mgmt. Participation