A special partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Educational Technology Training Centers in support of the 8 th Grade Physical Science Frameworks. Module 2 Energy in our Lives
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science - Grade 8 Unit: Energy in Our Life Sternberg Task: Magnetism for Me Subject Area: Physical Science Grade: 8
Standards (Content and Characteristics): S8P5. Students will recognize characteristics of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of forces acting in nature. c. Investigate and explain that electric currents and magnets can exert force on each other. S8CS1. Students will explore the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works. a. Understand the importance of—and keep—honest, clear, and accurate records in science. b. Understand that hypotheses can be valuable even if they turn out not to be completely accurate. S8CS2. Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations. a. Follow correct procedures for use of scientific apparatus. b. Demonstrate appropriate techniques in all laboratory situations. c. Follow correct protocol for identifying and reporting safety problems and violations. S8CS5. Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. a. Observe and explain how parts can be related to other parts in a system such as the role of simple machines in complex machines. b. Understand that different models (such as physical replicas, pictures, and analogies) can be used to represent the same thing. bb
S8CS8. Students will be familiar with the characteristics of scientific knowledge and how it is achieved. Students will apply the following to scientific concepts: a. When similar investigations give different results, the scientific challenge is to judge whether the differences are trivial or significant, which often requires further study. Even with similar results, scientists may wait until an investigation has been repeated many times before accepting the results as meaningful. S8CS9. Students will understand the features of the process of scientific inquiry. Students will apply the following to inquiry learning practices: a. Investigations are conducted for different reasons, which include exploring new phenomena, confirming previous results, testing how well a theory predicts, and comparing different theories. Scientific investigations usually involve collecting evidence, reasoning, devising hypotheses, and formulating explanations to make sense of collected evidence. b. Scientific investigations usually involve collecting evidence, reasoning, devising hypotheses, and formulating explanations to make sense of collected evidence. c. Scientific experiments investigate the effect of one variable on another. All other variables are kept constant. d. Scientists often collaborate to design research. To prevent this bias, scientists conduct independent studies of the same questions.
Enduring Understandings: Energy appears in different forms such as: mechanical energy, gravitational energy, heat energy, and electric and magnetic energy. Magnetic forces arise from the movement of electric charge. Essential Questions: Scientists tell us that energy can't be created or destroyed. If this is true, where does it come from when we notice it and where does it go to when we don’t see any evidence of it? What's the easiest or best way to describe or illustrate the kind of energy present in a magnet? If you met someone who had never seen or heard a speaker and had no idea of what energy is, how would you explain the way it works?
What is necessary for a CD player or speaker to work? Let's record our thoughts...
Let's pick the most interesting question. 1.How do magnets do all the crazy things they do? 2.How is it that sometimes they get stuck to each other and other times they push away from one another? 3.What makes magnetism possible in our world? 4.Would magnets work the same way in outer space, on the moon, or another planet? Why or why not? 5.Is there any way to make a magnet more powerful than it already is? If so, how. If not, why not? 6.Is there a way to turn a magnet's power "off" if you decided to something like that? If so, why or why not? 7.Is it possible to create a magnet out of something that isn't currently acting like a magnet? If so, how?
Copy & paste the most interesting question here. Let's record your answers below to save for comparison later.
Think about what you just said, and let's list the 10 most important words necessary for describing magnets and magnetism.
Create a “Most Wanted” poster for “Mr. Magnet” Distinguishing characteristics/behaviors His haunts (where he can be found) Aliases Atomic “fingerprint” – what he’s made of Disguises (what he might be hiding in)
Choose one of the following questions to answer in your science journals: How serious would it be if we created a machine that could instantly destroy all magnets or magnetic objects on the earth? What kinds of things might be affected? In comic books and movies, there are often villains and heroes with magnetic powers? What kinds of things could these fanciful individuals do if they really existed? How could they use their abilities for good (or ill)? We often see science fiction movies and books that mention force fields. Do magnets have a force field? If so, how might one look if we could see it?
Station 1: Different shapes of magnets & iron filings SAFETY FIRST Iron filings are used in this lab activity. The iron filings should never come into direct contact with the magnets. Iron filings are to be used only on the transparency placed over the magnets. Safety glasses are to be worn so that the iron filings cannot accidently get into the eye.
Station 1: Different shapes of magnets & iron filings 1.Place a transparency over the magnet and sprinkle the iron filings over the transparency to see the force field lines. 2.These lines are similar to electric field lines that surround a point charge. 3.Draw an explanatory of the force field lines you see.
Station 2: How does a speaker work? Watch the video on How Stuff Works For the diagram of a speaker cone visit: mages/techno/speaker.gif After watching the video, explain in a paragraph how magnetism and electricity are related to produce sound.
Station 3: Make an electric motor with an electromagnet SAFETY FIRST Station 3 contains a power supply. Do NOT change the settings, nor plug the wires into anything except the correct terminals on the power supply. If you have questions, please ask the teacher. Follow the instructions carefully at your lab station, and remember to never go over the Voltage setting requested in the lab. Be very careful with screw drivers. “Poking” others and/or playing with them are lab safety violations. They are to be used for lab purposes only.
Make an electric motor with an electromagnet This electric motor explores and explains the magnetic and electromagnetic principals used to create the motion of an electric motor. 1. Observe how forces of repulsion and attraction cause the rotary movement of the motor (the coil should be turning.) How do you get the coiled wire to spin? What role do the magnets play in getting the coil to spin? 2. How is energy conserved in this process? What energy transformations take place?
Station 4: Electricity and Magnetism Tutorial Answer the following questions: 1.What are ‘charged’ particles, and why do you get shocked by a doorknob? 2.What is electrical current? 3.Describe resistance and voltage. 4.What is a circuit? 5.What is magnetism? 6.What is the relationship between magnetism and charged particles?
Station 5: Games Magnetism 2: Discover the Properties of Magnetism:
1. Describe the interaction of two like poles. 2. Describe the interaction of two unlike poles. Game A, Set A
1. Describe the magnetic field of a round magnet. 2. How does an environment without gravity affect motion? 3. How does electricity affect the motion of the ball? 4. What does 'polarity' mean? 5. How does changing the polarity of the electromagnetic affect the motion of the ball? Game A, Set B
1. What happens when two magnets are present? Why is one green and one red? What is the difference in their magnetic fields? 2. What did you learn about the distance in relationship to the strength of the magnet? Game B, Set A
Let's Review magnetism and electricity by playing Hangman
Teacher Reflection What were the "Big Concepts" in each activity? How will students make sense of these concepts? Discuss real-world examples that may reinforce students' understanding. What are some accommodations that could be made for students with disabilities, gifted students, ELL? What other standards and elements might one introduce at this time to unify the concepts? What are some common student misconceptions and how can these activities facilitate the student’s proper conception and understanding?