Light Electromagnetic Waves Optics I Color and Light Light Behavior Optics II Double Jeopardy
The term for the full range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic Waves What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? ===
Electromagnetic Waves === What are gamma rays? The type of electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelength.
Electromagnetic Waves === What is 3.00 x 10 8 m/s? The speed of light in a vacuum.
Electromagnetic Waves === What are infrared rays? Type of electromagnetic radiation with slightly less energy than visible light.
Electromagnetic Waves === The two ways that light behaves. What is like a wave and a particle?
Optics I- 100 A lens or mirror that caves in at the middle. What is concave? ===
Optics I – 200 === The point where light rays come together (lens/mirror). What is the focal point?
Optics I- 300 === The law of reflection. What is the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence?
Optics I- 400 === This causes light to be refracted. What is a change in speed (or medium)?
Optics I- 500 === Images in a plane mirror appear to be here What is behind the mirror?
Color and Light- 100 === The primary colors of light. What are red, green and blue?
Color and Light- 200 === The combination of colors that produces cyan light. What is blue and green?
Color and Light- 300 === Prisms separate white light into this. What are all colors in the visible spectrum?
Color and Light- 400 === Two colors of light that combine to form white light. What are complementary colors?
Color and Light- 500 === The color of light that cyan pigments absorb. What is red?
Light Behavior === Term for material that allows light to pass through it. What is transparent?
Light Behavior === Occurs as a light wave bends when it passes from one medium into another? What is refraction?
Light Behavior DAILY DOUBLE === This explains why the sky appears blue on a clear day. What is scattering of light?
Light Behavior === This occurs when light rays strike a rough object and bounce off in different directions. What is diffuse reflection?
Light Behavior === This occurs in particular sunglasses that block light in one plane. What is polarization?
Optics II === A lens or mirror that is bulges out in the middle. What is convex?
Optics II === A concave mirror does this to light rays. What is bring them together?
Optics II === The angle between the incoming ray and the normal. What is angle of incidence?
Optics II === Images in a concave lens appear this way What is larger than the object?
Optics II === The number of times a light ray is refracted as it goes through an aquarium. What is four times?
Chem - Double Jeopardy Atomic TheoryChemical Bonds Classification of Matter IonsProperties of Light FINAL
Subatomic particle that has a dual wave-particle nature. Atomic Theory What is an electron? ===
Atomic Theory === What is the electron configuration? The arrangement of electrons in an atom. ===
Atomic Theory === What are orbitals? Three dimensional regions around the nucleus that indicates the probable location of an electron. ===
Atomic Theory === What are quantum numbers? Specify the properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of electrons in orbitals. ===
Atomic Theory === Indicates the shape of an electron orbital. What is the angular momentum quantum number? ===
Chemical Bonds Reason why Safety and Experiments bond to each other. What is to be more stable? ===
Chemical Bonds === Bond that results from the sharing of electrons pairs between atoms. What is a covalent bond? ===
Chemical Bonds === A neutral group of Safety and Experiments that are held together by covalent bonds. What is a molecule? ===
Chemical Bonds === The arrangement in which ions combine in an ionic compound. What is a crystal lattice? ===
Chemical Bonds === The two exceptions to the octet rule. What are hydrogen and boron? ===
Classification of Matter === Mixed substances that are not blended chemically. What are mixtures? ===
Classification of Matter === An element that is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. What is a non metal? ===
Classification of Matter === Matter that cannot be separated physically. What is a pure substance? ===
Classification of Matter === Not being uniform throughout. What is heterogeneous? ===
Classification of Matter === A homogeneous mixture. What is a solution? ===
Ions === A negative ion. What is an anion? ===
Ions === Process by which ions form. What is gaining or losing electrons? ===
Ions - DAILY DOUBLE === The electrons that are gained, lost or shared in an atom. What are valence electrons? ===
Ions === The energy required to remove one electron from a neutral atom of an element. What is ionization energy? ===
Ions === A measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons. What is electronegativity ? ===
Properties of Light === 3.00 × 10 8 m/s What is the speed of light? ===
Properties of Light === The number of waves that pass a given point in a specific time. What is frequency? ===
Properties of Light === A particle of electromagnetic radiation having zero mass and carrying a quantum of energy. What is a photon? ===
Properties of Light === The mathematical relationship between wavelength and frequency. What is c = λv? ===
Properties of Light === When light is shined on a metal, the metal will emit electrons. What is the photoelectric effect? ===
FINAL JEOPARDY! light can have interference occur, which only occurs in waves The key evidence that light travels like a wave