Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 1 INCOSE 2002 Paper Presentation Suggestions July 29, 2002 Firstname N. Surname Company Name Company City, State
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 2 Content Suggestions We encourage: –A Topics slide as the second slide –A Conclusions or Summary slide (second-to-last slide) –An Author Contact Information slide as the last slide –Use of graphics, tables, diagrams or photos –Appropriate use of colors and color backgrounds –Use of the footer format contained on these slides Please avoid: Having too many slides, too much, complexity, too much animation Be creative; dont feel overly constrained by these suggestions
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 3 Text Slides Use 24 pt font for major points –Use Arial or Comic Sans if possible; Use a minimum font size of 18 pt (or larger) font for subbullets –If using Times New Roman, increase font size to 28 point bold for major bullets and 24 point for subbullets Keep to no more than 5-7 major points per slide Make all text bold -- for easier readability Avoid any eye test content –This is the most frequent complaint about presentations Use sentence style (=Initial cap, first word only) Center the body vertically and horizontally –As was done on some of these slides
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 4 Graphic Slides Graphics, photos, tables, diagrams and appropriate artwork and contribute to effective communications Make sure your graphics are readable Use appropriate colors to ensure contrast Too Small, Lines Too Thin This Is Borderline This Is Better Not Good Maybe?? Better
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 5 Presentation Time Each speaker will have 25 minutes Plan on: –About 2-3 minutes for set-up, speaker intro –About minutes for you to present –About 4-5 minutes for Q&A Session Chairs will indicate 5 and 2 minutes to-go Plan to stay within your time limit
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 6 Presentation Equipment Computer projection equipment will be provided All authors are requested to use this mode of presentation We will accommodate only PowerPoint format for electronic presentations A vugraph projector will be available as a back- up; bring a set of vugraphs as a fallback
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 7 Presentation Equipment (Cont.) A laser pointer will be provided Both a podium and a lavaliere microphone will be available All presenters will need to use microphones since session rooms are large
Author Name, Paper Name Track #n Session #nPage 8 Submittal of Presentations Please bring two PC floppies, CD or Zip disks of your presentation to the conference -- one disk for back up, just in case Presentations will be preloaded the evening prior to your talk. Bring your labeled PC disk, CD or zip disk (e.g. Track 1 Session 2- McKinney, Tues. 15:00) to the Speaker Ready Room between the hours of 2:30 pm - 7pm the day prior to your presentation for preloading.