1 Some predictions and experiment prospects of the heavy ion physics at LHC C. Kobdaj, Y. Yan and K. Khosonthongkee School of Physics, Institute of Science.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Some predictions and experiment prospects of the heavy ion physics at LHC C. Kobdaj, Y. Yan and K. Khosonthongkee School of Physics, Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technology 28 July 2009

2 Outline Accelerators Collider types Physics quantities LHC Heavy Ion Physics Acknowledgement References

3 Accelerators

4 Collider types Fixed Target Colliding Beam Electron and Positron Colliders Hadron Colliders

5 Fixed Target Colliding Beam

6 Advantages  zero charge system, suitable for creating new particles  well-understood beam properties  symmetric beams between the electrons and positrons  backgrounds low and well-undercontrol  good precision Disadvantages  large beam radiation  difficult to get a high luminosity Electron and Positron Colliders

7 Advantages  high c.m. energy  high luminoscity  Multiple (strong, electroweak) channels Disadvantages  initial state unknown  final state is difficult to read  not good precision Hadron Colliders


9 Physics quantities The energy The luminosity Cross section Kinematic Variables

10 The energy

11 The luminosity The luminosity is the number of particles per unit area per unit time times areatime n is the number of bunches in either beam around the ring A is the cross-sectionl area of the beam f is the frequency.

12 The number of interactions per unit time/ per target divided by incident flux Cross Section Differential Cross Section The number of interactions per unit second/ per target into small solid angle divided by incident flux

13 Transverse momentum Longitudinal momentum Transverse mass Kinematic Variables

14 Rapidity Pseudorapidity

15 Mandelstam variables s, t and u are Lorentz invariant quantities

16 multiplicity  Multiplicity is the total number of particles produced in a collision is the multiplicity of the collision.

17 LHC The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the the world's largest particle accelerator.

18 LHC facts Circumference 26.7 km Luminosity Magnet 8.33 T current 11,700A superconducting cable 7600 km superconducting magnets  1,232 dipole magnets  392 quadrupole magnets

19 Temperature of 1.9 K % of the speed of light Period for a proton to travel once around the main ring 90 microseconds Frequency 11,000 Hz Photon bunches 2,808 bunches The collision rate is one billion per second

20 Six Detectors A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS) Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation(TOTEM)

21 1) ALICE Heavy Ion experiment Looks for a state called quark-gluon plasma that existed shortly after the Big Bang. quark-gluon plasmaBig Bang Quark-gluon plasma is a state of matter wherein quarks and gluons are deconfined

22 2) ATLAS a general purpose detector to look for evidence of physics beyond the standard model, such as supersymmetry, or extra dimensions

23 3) CMS a general purpose detectors to investigate a missing piece of the Standard Model, the Higgs boson

24 4) LHCb measuring the parameters of CP violation in the interactions of b-hadrons (heavy particles containing a bottom quark) B physics search for evidence of antimatter

25 5) LHCf astroparticle (cosmic ray) physics simulates cosmic rays within a controlled environment to study naturally occurring cosmic ray collisions

26 6) TOTEM measure the size of protons the LHC's luminosity

27 How to detect particles



30 Detecting method Tracking is the method to measure the direction and magnitude of charged particles momenta direction particlesmomenta Calorimeters measure particle’s energy  hadron-shower calorimeters  electromagnetic calorimeter

31 Heavy-Ion Physics


33 Collision Systems pp PbPb* ArAr pPb

34 muon chamber records muon tracks  muons are the only charged particles that penetrate outside the calorimeter.

35 Hard Probes  hot nuclear matter  open charm  open beauty  inclusive jet  tagged jet jet Z jet jet gamma jet  direct photon  J/Psi suppression  ratios of leading particles  Uppsilon suppression

36 References

37 Papers  Armesto, N et al, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 35(2008)  Borghini,N and Wiedemann, U.A., J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. 35(2008) Presentations  Wyslouch, Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC:experimental prospects.  Giubellino, Heavy Ion physics at the LHC Hadron Collider Physics Symposium(HCP2008), Galena, Illinois,USA.  Han, T Collider Phenomenology Summer School on Particle Physics in the LHC Era.  Lester, C.G., Frontiers of Particle Physics.  Walet, N, Nuclear and Particle Physics.  Varvell, K, High Energy Physics.  Thomson, M, Particle Physics.

38 Books  Wong, CY, Introduction to High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994)  Kane, G, Perspectives Of LHC Physics (World Scientific, Singapore, 2008)  Vogt,R, Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (Elsevier, The Netherlands, 2007) Web  Wiki  CERN  HowStuffWorks  LHCf  CMS

39 Acknowledgement

40 Suranaree University of Technology The Commision on Higher Education of Thailand CHE-RES-RG Theoretical Physics Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP) National Research Council of Thailand Thai National Grid Center