A Riddle A father and son are both seriously injured in a car accident. When the paramedics arrive they take the father and son to 2 separate hospitals, 30 miles apart. Upon entering the son’s hospital room, the doctor says, “I cannot work on this boy, he is my son” How is this possible?
Is Gender A Social Construct?
What would you say to this baby? What would you give this baby for a 1 st Birthday Present?
What would you say to this Baby? What would you give This Baby for a 1 st Birthday Present?
NATURE OR NURTURE? Differences between the genders beyond the evident physical ones have always been observed. Are these differences the result of cultural and social conditioning? Are these differences the result of observable differences in the brain? In the last years scientists have developed the technology to examine the brain in new ways.
Brain Science - Corpus Collossum Flat bundle of nerves that allows left half of The brain to communicate with the right half of the Brain. 23% wider in women than in men.
One Brain or Two?
Women’s Brains are like a Bowl of Spaghetti Corpus Collossum 23% larger in women. More communication between the hemispheres. Women use both sides of their brains more often. Good for: Language (draw on more experience), more Intuitive, recover from stroke
Men’s Brains – Boxes Men tend to use one side of the brain for a given task. Map Reading – Men use the Right hemisphere This is an advantage. Crosstalk between the hemispheres distracts the brain from its job. For spatial rotation it is a disadvantage to have neural pathways like spaghetti.