By Chris Racki
Outline Introduction How DNS works A typical DNS lookup Caching for later Vulnerabilities of DNS Anatomy of a cache poisoning Why isn’t the security community panicked Ok, now they’re panicked! Mitigation Conclusion
Introduction Computers navigate the internet using DNS Common requests are cached Caching makes DNS vulnerable When a DNS is poisoned any IP can be set to any internet address The fix is in the chaos
How DNS Works Root Servers... Top Level Domain
A Typical DNS Lookup ISP DNS User 1. what’s the IP for Root Server Server 2. what’s the IP for 3. Server Referral 4. what’s the IP for 5. Server Referral 6. what’s the IP for 7. The IP is XXX.XXX.XXX 9. The IP is XXX.XXX.XXX 10. Go to 8. Cache result
Vulnerabilities ISP DNS User 1. what’s the IP for Root Server Server 2. what’s the IP for 3. Server Referral 4. what’s the IP for 5. Server Referral 6. what’s the IP for 7. The IP is XXX.XXX.XXX 8. The IP is XXX.XXX.XXX 10. Go to Cached result Go to
Anatomy of a Cache Poisoning WWhat’s the IP for IIt’s not in my cache, I have to look it up. NNow that he’s waiting for a response, it’s my chance! UUnsolicited reply… ignore. FForged reply is accepted and cached. ?... Query ID Lookup Request Forged Lookup Reply Query ID Query ID Query ID 10020Query ID forged reply
Why isn’t the security community panicked? Attack only works when entry is not in cache Hard to predict exactly when Time To Live will expire Limited chances for attack
Ok, now they’re panicked! In 2008 Dan Kaminsky improved the attack. Attack is only possible when target is not in cache. is almost always in the cache. is never in cache so it always triggers a lookup. Instead of forging a single page, forge the DNS server. Now all requests for domain can be redirected to attacker’s DNS server.
A More Toxic Poison ISP DNS Root Server Server what’s the IP for Server Referral what’s the IP for Server Referral Forge the IP of the domain DNS server Response is too slow
What’s the fix? Make the query ID more random Older DNS software use sequential query IDs or easily predicted random query IDs Randomize the port and change it often Older DNS software always uses one port
Conclusion DNS cache poisoning is not new There are new ways to use it A successful DNS poisoning could be very damaging Be alert of new threats Thank you