Measuring and Monitoring Registry
InternetNZ’ organisations DNC InternetNZ NZOC NZRS
.nz domain name space InternetNZ NZOC DNC Authorised Registrars Service Level Agreement Authorisation Agreement Registrants Connection Agreement Registrant Agreement NZRS
Service Level Agreement Between InternetNZ and the registry, NZRS Managed for InternetNZ by the Office of the Domain Name Commissioner (DNC) SLA includes: Register performance and management standards Availability and response times Reporting and communication requirements
Availability requirements SRS – 99.9% WHOIS service – 99.9% DNS – 100%
SRS and WHOIS 99.9% standard set Excludes planned outages Calculated using system logs and incident logs associated with each system % available = (Scheduled availability – Unscheduled outage time) / (Scheduled availability) * 100
SRS Performance Monitor all Registrar SRS transactions response times at the SRS front-end servers Measure the average response time for all valid SRS transactions Monitor the public WHOIS service response times from a point outside the firewall Measure the average WHOIS service transaction response time by periodic active WHOIS queries
SRS Response Times Transaction TypeTarget Response Times Domain Details Query≤ 1.5 seconds WHOIS≤ 0.5 seconds UDAI Validation≤ 0.5 seconds Domain Update≤ 0.4 seconds Domain Create≤ 0.6 seconds Get Messages≤ 0.6 seconds
DNS standards 100% availability Zone files required to be 100% accurate across all DNS servers within the agreed period after the scheduled zone push Zone push window currently 40 minutes
DNS response times Figures derived from stress testing the name servers 1201 UDP and 121 TCP transactions used Target for UDP < 5.0 milliseconds Target for TCP < 50.0 milliseconds
NZRS Reporting NZRS reports to DNC monthly - confidential Details availability and performance results Explains any exceptions to the targets Notifies of any issues involving registrars or WHOIS request Provides general statistical information, for example: Domain name statistics Registrar market share Registrar activity including number, and duration, of registrations and renewals
DNC Reporting DNC reports to Oversight Committee (NZOC) monthly – confidential Incorporates SLA availability and performance measurements NZOC reports to the InternetNZ Council monthly – public DNC and NZRS publish a newsletter – public Public reports include SLA availability and performance measurements
Public information Domain name statistics SRS availability SRS performance and response times DNS availability DNS performance and response times Details of unscheduled outages Details of planned outages and the work/updates undertaken
Active names as at 1 October Active names as at end 31 October New Registrations October Renewals October Change over co cri geek gen govt iwi maori mil net org school TOTAL
SRS Availability System availability for October was 99.99%, against the SLA standard of 99.9% SRS Availability AugustSeptemberOctober % Public information
Avg Response time (in seconds)AugustSeptemberOctober Domain Details Query Domain Update Domain Create / 0.57* GetMessage performance WHOIS Whois queries at back end including Registrar (volume 000’s) Whois Server Queries (volume 000’s) UDAI Valid Query
Public information DNS AvailabilityAugustSeptemberOctober %100 DNS Server Target Milli secs AugustSeptember October UDPTCPUDPTCPUDPTCP NS1<5.0 / < NS2<5.0 / < NS3<5.0 / <
System monitoring For availability and response times Automatic alerts if system outage Escalation strategy depending on issue Detailed monitoring of WHOIS access Thresholds for blocking IP access to WHOIS not public Registrars ‘white listed’ for WHOIS but still monitored
NZRS ‘real time’ info Public information: Current status of all SRS servers Current number of names Notice of planned outages Schedule of updates Registrar only information: Transaction record Transfers in and out Account details
InternetNZ Office of the DNC Registry Services