CBP Website Redesign Kickoff. Agenda A Quick Look Back The Task Ahead A Vision Purpose, Goals and Audience(s) Pieces of the Puzzle Timeline Roles and.


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Presentation transcript:

CBP Website Redesign Kickoff

Agenda A Quick Look Back The Task Ahead A Vision Purpose, Goals and Audience(s) Pieces of the Puzzle Timeline Roles and Responsibilities

A Quick Look Back

Visits: 2000 – approx. 225, – approx 500, – approx. 1,000, – approx. 1,500, – approx. 1,800, ?

A Quick Look Back Search Engines: Still #1 for Google, Yahoo, HotBot, Ask Jeeves…for the phrase “chesapeake bay” Top Visited Pages for 2004: 1.CBP Homepage 2.Animals and Plants 3.About the Bay 4.Blue Crabs 5.Plankton 6.CBP Calendar of Events 7.Glossary of Terms 8.About the Bay Program 9.Search 10.Striped Bass

A Quick Look Back Stripped Down Top Pages for 2004: 1.Blue Crabs 2.Plankton 3.Striped Bass 4.American Eel 5.Bald Eagle 6.Desktop Wallpaper (kid’s section) 7.Nutrient Pollution 8.Bay Grasses 9.Lower Food Web 10.Reptiles and Amphibians

The Task Ahead

Milestones are vital Cooperation is vital Coordination is vital Patience is vital The View is Glorious! The Task Ahead

A Vision (or What Makes a Successful Redesign)

Website Vision The overall vision of a successful website design strategy includes the following: The Chesapeake Bay Program is one component of a suite of strategically designed, highly integrated and marketed websites (including the Bay Journal and Bay Gateways sites) each of which plays a different, yet complimentary role and is geared toward a set of specific audiences; The design of which is highly usable (based upon user input and evaluation) and fully accessible (based upon federal standards);

Website Vision The design of which includes a process by which content is separate from the overall look and feel and incorporates world wide web consortium standards (such as the use of cascading style sheets and XHTML); Whose logic is efficient, modular and reusable (when advantageous); Whose development is guided by a defined, role-based development process;

Website Vision That is organized by a user-focused, intuitive navigational structure (information architecture) that separates information about the State of the Chesapeake Bay from activities and information about the Chesapeake Bay Program; Whose design is populated by targeted, user-focused, easily searchable content and data (with specific ownership) and tied together through storylines, content and information all seeded with key messages that are part of a larger, encompassing communications strategy;

Website Vision Whose content development and guidance is spearheaded by the Chesapeake Bay Program communications team Whose data and information is stored in a flexible system that prevents information overlap and that is highly searchable; Whose data and information is highly usable in the realm of tools (indicators, clearinghouses, web-based tools) Whose data has direct connections to maps and mapping.

Website Vision The information of which is increasingly used by our target audiences The information of which is used to gain a greater understanding of the State of the Chesapeake Bay, as well as Chesapeake Bay Program initiatives, processes and restoration activities; That ultimately helps the Bay Program move toward a restored and protected Chesapeake Bay. Simple enough, right?

Website Vision Benefits of a redesign: A communications structure (plan) to base things upon A standards-based design that is highly usable, scalable and 100% accessible An organized data model that sets us up for the future A content management strategy (codename: JenF) A chance to clean house …. Costs: Time, time, time….and did I mention “Time” Resources needed to built new tools

Purpose, Goals & Audience

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Purpose: The Chesapeake Bay Program’s web site enables the Chesapeake Bay Program to: Provides expansive information on the health of the Chesapeake Bay and the Bay Program’s science-based comprehensive restoration plan to restore it. Facilitates the sharing of information and data among researchers, constituent groups, state and local governments that will help restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay. Serves as a key resource to those interested in the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership as well as those seeking to replicate our efforts in other estuaries.

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Goals: Communicate the State of the Bay watershed Report progress on Bay restoration Provide general Bay information including describing how the Bay works, why the Bay is special and more. Report news (and press) on the Bay / Bay Program

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Goals (con’t): Provide overview information on the Bay Program including: the role as a model restoration program Chesapeake 2000 as a framework for restoration committee information and events financial grants info Provide tools, data, technical information and resources for target audiences to use in their efforts to restore and protect the Bay

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Goals (con’t): Provide information on ways to experience the Bay (i.e. Gateways Network, public access) Engage citizens to get involved in the Bay’s restoration

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Audience(s): Primary Audiences: Students: Provide general Bay information Photos, maps Teachers: Lesson plans Current issues Fieldtrips, events Resources (publications, maps, photos) CBP Partners: Committee information Data, summary information

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Audience(s): Primary Audiences: Watershed Organizations: The state of their watershed Watershed planning Tools Contacts Funding Opportunities Interested Public: Maps, photos The State of the Bay Restoration Progress How to get involved / what can I do? Current issues How to experience the Bay

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Audience(s): Primary Audiences: Scientists / Resource Managers: Data Summarized information / data Publications How the Bay Program works Tools (interpolator, model)

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Audience(s): Secondary Audiences: Local Governments: Grants information The state of their watershed Summarized information / data Tourists / Recreational Enthusiasts: How to experience the Bay Water levels Outfitters Bay weather / meteorological conditions Media: Press releases

Purpose, Goals & Audience(s) Audience(s): Secondary Audiences: Businesses: Businesses for the Bay Watermen / Recreational Fishermen: State of particular natural resources Regulations Current news on policy

Pieces of the Puzzle

Data Center Processes (a new way of doing things): A set of guiding documents (Target Architecture…) A new Project Planning process Teams and their roles Best practices Design and Development (a new way of doing things): Standards-based Development in all arenas Utilizing a multi-tiered approach: Front End Back End “In-between” A new Technology

Pieces of the Puzzle Data Center Processes (a new way of doing things): A set of guiding documents (Target Architecture…) A new Project Planning process CIMS Teams Web Team GIS Team Application Team Data Team Network Team Best practices Database best practices, naming conventions, XHTML…

Pieces of the Puzzle Design and Development (a new way of doing things): The Front End (The Presentation Layer) Purpose, Goals & Audience Content Review & Guidance Design Review (usability, SAIC) Information architecture (organization of navigation and underlying info) Graphic design The Back End (The Data Layer) Metadata system (database system for housing information / data) The “In-between” (The Logic Layer) Application development / redevelopment Logic use / reuse

Pieces of the Puzzle Web Page (written in XHTML) CSS Database Comp. CSS Print Screen PresentationLogicData

Pieces of the Puzzle The Front End (The Presentation Layer) 1. Requirements analysis: Audience definition / determination of goals Usability / task/design analysis / SAIC study Content audit 2. Information Architecture: Site mapping / wireframing Content delivery process is defined 3. Protocols and Standards Development 4. Conceptual Design / Mockups / Prototypes 5. Production

Pieces of the Puzzle The Back End (The Data Layer) 1.Protocols and Standards Development 2.Reduction of Duplicative Data and Logic 3.Metadata Model Development Population with existing (i.e. migration of contact info) and new content

Pieces of the Puzzle The “In-Between” (The Logic Layer) 1.Technology Assimilation (training) 2.Protocols and Standards Development 3. Application Design / Redesign Determine priority applications 4. Conceptual Design / Mockups / Prototypes 5. Production


Time to whiteboard it!!

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles & Responsibilities Communications Team (the WHAT people): Making the website a priority vehicle Providing a framework for messaging / stories Helping flesh out the information architecture Taking the lead on content Reviewing current content / tools Pushing coordinators for storylines and content Ensuring that key messages are seeded in the content Reworking content in a web-friendly format Data Center Team (the HOW and WHERE people): A TON of stuff already mentioned

Roles & Responsibilities Executive Team (the WHEN and WHY people): Communicating the web as a Bay Program priority Helping communicate the process Giving authority to the teams to do what they need to do. Commitment to a plan. Keeping mindful of an already stacked plate (remember the mountain!) Staying patient