JBoss Developer Studio
JBoss Developer Studio provides a certified open source development environment that includes and integrates: Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse Tooling Eclipse Tooling JBoss Enterprise Application Platform JBoss Enterprise Application Platform This integrated development environment provides developers everything needed to build rich Web applications using technologies like: Hibernate Hibernate JBoss Seam JBoss Seam JBoss Application Server JBoss Application Server
JBoss Developer Studio JBoss Developer Studio includes the latest Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) and Web Tools Project (WTP 2.0) releases. New Seam Tools. Visual Page Editor. JBoss Tools Palette. AJAX capabilities. JBoss jBPM tools. Spring Tools. Struts Tools. Optimized JBoss Application Server adapter. Red Hat enterprise Linux and RHN access.
Optimized JBoss Application Server adapter.
Installing of JBDS Before installing the JBDS need to install a SUN JDK 5.0 Run in console: java –jar {path}/jbdevstudio-linux-gtk GA.jar Run in console: java –jar {path}/jbdevstudio-linux-gtk GA.jar
Seam Tools in JBDS These Seam tools provide wizards for creating new Seam projects, validation tools, expression language code completion, testing tools, and wizards for generating entity objects. To create your first Seam project you need to make only some clicks of mouse. Open Seam Perspective File -> New -> Seam Web Project Input the name of your future project and follow the wizard’s advices. Wizards provides two Seam configurations: WAR and EAR.
Wizards for Generating Entity Objects. You can use a special wizard to create new Entity Object. You can use a special wizard to create new Entity Object. Just need to select Seam project and choose File -> New - > Seam Entity Just need to select Seam project and choose File -> New - > Seam Entity And you will get the wizard that provides all necessary fields to be completed. Result: You will get ready Seam entity class, Master page and example page of realization. Such way you can create new New Form, New Conversation, New Action.
Visual Page Editor. JBoss Developer Studio includes a Visual Page Editor for combined visual and source editing of Web pages. The Visual Page Editor even renders AJAX-enabled RichFaces components.
JBoss Tools Palette. The JBoss Tools Palette contains a developer’s project tag libraries and enables inserting tags into a JSP with one click. The Tools Palette supports custom and 3rd party tags. With just a click or drag-and-drop insert any tags from the palette on to the page you are editing.
JBoss Tools Palette.
Flexibility of editing any files. The JSF configuration file editor has three views: Diagram, Tree and Source. All views are synchronized, you can edit the file in any view. The JSF configuration file editor has three views: Diagram, Tree and Source. All views are synchronized, you can edit the file in any view.
Flexibility of editing any files. Faces config Editor - Tree View Faces config Editor - Tree View
Flexibility of editing any files. Faces config Editor - Source View Faces config Editor - Source View
Flexibility of editing any files. Web XML editor has a graphical view (Tree) and source (Source). Web XML editor has a graphical view (Tree) and source (Source).
AJAX capabilities. JBoss Developer Studio includes a Technology Preview of JBoss RichFaces. RichFaces is a rich component library for JSF and an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities intobusiness application development. RichFaces provides nearly 70 skinnable components, including calendar, tree, drop down menu, drag-and-drop components, and more. JBoss Developer Studio’s Visual Page Editor can render RichFaces components.
Optimized JBoss Application Server adapter. JBoss Developer Studio’s advanced JBoss AS adapter includes features like incremental deployment for fast development and is pre-configured for the included JBoss Application server.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux and RHN access. JBoss Developer Studio includes access to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux development tools, and Red Hat Network for development purposes. This enables developers both to build applications directly for the industry-leading Red Hat Enterprise Linux as well as to take advantage of features like Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5’s built in virtualization for development environments.